Years Later *

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- Y/N POV -

 Fae is finally old enough to come back to Neverland after she was born, I had Peter put a spell on me so I wouldn't age while I'm off the island. Just before I left Neverland, Peter proposed, of course, I accepted and we got married. Fae seems excited to go home, she only went to Neverland once, but now we're on our way back home, about to see Peter- her father and the rest of the boys. Oh, how I've missed them.

 "Shadow!" I call, smiling brightly when I see the familiar floating figure in the sky, after the whole 'Henry getting killed' situation, I had Peter bring me and Fae to a little cottage away from everything and everyone.

 "How is the Queen of Neverland doing?" He teases, I chuckle and bring Fae in my arm, letting Shadow take the other and set us down on the beach. As we walk towards the camp, I hear some of the mermaids talking about the new 'Princess of Neverland', not that she's not the princess, I'm just worried about the boys.

 "Mommy?" Fae asks, I look down at the three-year-old and smile.

 "Yes, sweetheart?" I ask, bringing her into my arms, her legs on either side of my hip bone.

 "Where are we going?"

 "We're going to see Daddy and the boys," she giggles and my smile widens when I see the familiar clearing in the trees. "Look who's home, boys!" I call, and all the boys look in the direction of my voice before rushing over to me.

 "Back up!" Peter yells, I chuckle and reassure Fae when she starts to get nervous, petting her dirty blonde hair. Peter slowly walks closer to us with disbelief, "I thought you'd never come back," he whispers, I stare at him for a second before setting Fae down.

 "Peter," I whisper, he rushes into my arms and I giggle, letting him hug me for as long as he wishes, when he's finished, he turns to Fae.

 "Is this-"

 "Yes, Peter, this is our daughter, Fae. Fae, darling, this is Daddy," I say, motioning between Peter and Fae. Peter gets on his knees and opens his arms, Fae rushes into his arms and they hold each other as close as possible.

 "Missing," Fae says, Peter loosens his grip and looks at her confused, "Mommy."

 Peter chuckles and looks up at me, I smile and get on my knees beside them, bringing them into my arms and holding them close. Only a few seconds later, the boys started to get jealous and attached themselves to our hug.

 "Daddy," Fae whispers, snuggling closer to him.

 "Yes, princess?" He whispers back, "boys," he says, the boys slowly but surely let go and step back.

 "Daddy!" She calls happily, I chuckle and walk to stand beside the boys, letting them hug me, kiss my cheek, or temple, or just hug me. Peter let go of Fae and grabbed me from the boys.

 "Even after so many years, you're still protective of me?" I chuckle, grabbing Fae's hand, and bringing her and Peter to our hut. "How've you been keeping our hut, Daddy?"

 "I did my best to keep it clean, but you know how messy I am, don't you Mommy?" He teases, I blush and bring Fae into my arms, making Peter open the door for us and letting Fae down and letting her wonder around the hut, allowing her to see as many or least amounts of things as she wants to see.

 "I've missed you so much," I whisper, bringing Peter close and giving him a long, passionate kiss.


 We've been on the island for a few months now, Fae has adapted to Neverland quickly, and the boys let her into the family without any hesitation. Right now, we're all sitting around the campfire, Peter, Fae, and I are sitting on the same log, and a few of the other boys are sitting on logs, on the ground or playing games in the main area.

 "How are you liking Neverland, darling?" I ask Fae, she giggles and points to the group of boys all standing around the 'climbing rope', Devin is up, he's almost halfway.

 "Lots," she says, I smile and bring her to sit with one leg on mine while the other is on Peter's, sure Henry didn't get his happily ever after, but I did, along with Peter, the Lost Boys, and my darling Fae.


 "Ah, P-Peter!" I yell, grabbing his head and pulling him closer to me and kissing him, I bring my hands behind him and scratch his bare back. He pulls his cock from me before pushing in and repeating at an inhuman pace.

 "Nuh-uh," Peter denies, "not Peter, Daddy."

 "Mmm- Daddy please~,  p-please!" I plead, leaning over Peter and bringing the blanket over his tailbone, just in time too, Fae comes rushing in with a big smile on her face. 

 "Mommy! Daddy!" She calls, the door closing behind her from the force she used when opening the door.

 "Yes, sweety?" I call, forcing Peter's body onto mine, hiding him to the best of my ability, I never know where the boys go on the island in their free time.

 "Uncle Felix wants to know what you're doing," she giggles, bringing her hands behind her back, smiling proudly after she tells us the message. I sigh, and see Peter roll his eyes. 

 "Can you tell Uncle Felix that Daddy and I are naked wrestling?" I ask, she nods and closes the door behind her.

 "Why did you have to become pregnant?" Peter teases, I roll my eyes and move my leg, pushing him deeper into me.

 "You're the one who got me pregnant, and I'll make sure you remember that!" I state, rolling over and pushing Peter further into me.


I run from Mommy and Daddy's house and to Uncle Felix and the others, when I made it, I smiled up at Uncle Devin and tug on Uncle Felix's shirt-sleeve.

 "Uncle Felix! Uncle Felix! Uncle Felix!" I call, he smirks down at me, "Mommy said that she and Daddy are naked wrestling."

 "Thanks, Little Lost Girl," he smiles and we all go to the beach, laughing and playing together. 

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