No Protection *

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I step out of the shadows and my smirk grows when I notice Y/n and I's eyes are locked, I take this moment to strut over to her. "Hello, little Lost Girl," I whisper, knowing that the wave is about to wash over the town.

"Mmm," She whines, tugging on the chains.

"Aww, look at you~" I smirk, walking till I reach the end of her bed, "my darling little Lost Girl, are you excited?"

She nods enthusiastically, I chuckle darkly and slowly walk up to her bed, tracing my fingers softly over her delicate skin. She squirms under my fingers, moving her body to feel more of my touch: bucking her hips, tugging at the chains- anything!

"Peter~" She whines, her soft voice getting me excited as well. Knowing how much power she has over me can be worrying, she can make me do things I didn't know I would do for anyone. Her soft skin, beautiful h/c hair, her frame just short enough that I can kiss wherever I please-

"Yes? Are you horny, my love?"

She nods again, her facial expression turning to a pleading one, I chuckle darkly and slide my hand under her shirt. Pulling the fabric up as my hand glides along, once my hand reaches her breasts I start softly kneading one before starting to feel bad for her other breast, so I glide my other hand against her skin and give it the same treatment.

I hear footsteps rushing up on the deck, I look back at my Lost Girl and watch her eyes flicker to my crotch before locking eyes with mine once more. During that split second that she looked at my crotch she shuddered and I saw a faint line of blush form on her cheeks, she must have noticed that my pants were getting tight.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her, "you mean to tell me that you're not excited too?"

She shakes her head hesitantly so I narrow my eyes at her before lowering my left hand down her soft skin, allowing it to glide until it hits the hem of her pants, I look back up at her waiting for her to show any kind of resistance when she doesn't I slide my hand under her pants along with her panties. A dark, lustful smile grows on my face when I feel how wet she is, she squirms when my finger finds her clit.

She gasps and her eyes stare at where my hand is through her pants, I continue massaging her clit before starting to become impatient and wanting to get to the good stuff.

Then, I crawled onto the bed and magicked away her clothes, "I guess I should join you in nudity?" I tease, she blushes and nods her head bashfully. I chuckle at her and magic my clothes away.


 After I let her cum at least ten times but I made sure to get myself off as well, while she cummed about ten times I only had three but all three times were in her warm cunt, my juices mixing with hers.

 Slowly, I pulled myself from her, my Little Lost Girl whimpered as I pulled myself out, her cunt clenching and unclenching around the air. I lean down and slurped all the cum slipping from her heat, moaning at the taste of both of us. Once I finished cleaning her heat with my tongue, I crawl back to the top of the bed and cuddle her close to me, showering her in affection while I wait for her to gather her energy so she won't feel dizzy when we teleport.

 "Shh, baby, gather your energy. We'll go back to Neverland-" I start but Y/n interrupted me, her soft voice warming her heart.

 "C-can you bring some... stuff I may need?" She whispers, I nod.

 "Can you give me some examples of what you may need from the stores? I don't know what may be some of the examples."

 "Pregnancy tests..." She muttered, her face flushing deep red, I nod and conjure some pregnancy tests.

 "Why would you need them?" I asked, my brows furrowing in confusion, I see no need for them since there's no way for her to get pregnant if we're in Neverland...

 "We're not in Neverland right now, Never Peter," she whispers, blush spreads through my face when I remember she could get pregnant, that means we could have a child, no matter what the gender is.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now