Sticking With Him - Part 1

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(Got a new set of memes for you guys, hope you enjoy the memes and the story. If you guys have any ideas please leave a comment.)

- Y/N POV -

When Peter and I were ready, we slowly made our way towards the main area of the camp. All eyes were on us, as we walked I felt Peter grab my hand and pull me closer to him I looked at him and whispered in his ear, "Aww, does the big bad Peter Pan need a protector?" I cooed. Peter's eyes widened at the comment, then whispered something back.

"I can't wait until later tonight," He whispered, I tilted my head but Peter only answered with a smirk. We walked to a log, then Peter sat down then pulled me onto his lap. "You won't be able to walk for a few days," My eyes widened at Peter's words, I tried to get up. But Devin pushed me back down, as he was passing by.

"How dare you!" I accused him in a joking tone, I was about to get up again but Felix pushed me down this time. "Hey!" I accused again. Peter's grip this time was tighter, I heard my stomach grumble. I pouted then rested my head against his shoulder.

"Aw, is my little Lost Girl hungry?" Peter cooed, I nodded my head. He chuckled, I adjusted my position on Peter's lap. "Simon, do you mind getting some berries for Y/n?" Peter asked, then Simon was walking by, he nodded then ran over to where we keep the berries.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked, Peter, he chuckled and leaned in, I can feel his breath warm against the back of my neck.

"I'll just take some of your berries," He whispered, I smirked then turned my head around to face Peter.

"First my virginity. Next, my food, what's next Peter?" I whispered in his ear, his eyes widened at my comment then he kissed me. I pulled away just in time before Simon came up to us with a bowl of cut berries in his arms. I smiled down at him, then took the bowl from him and thanked him. Simon then ran away with a smile on his face, I smiled as I watched him run back to Felix and Devin along with some of the other Lost Boys.

I was about to grab a strawberry when someone else's hand beat me to it, I smirked and put the strawberry -and the fingers holding it- into my mouth. My eyes lingered on Peter's face and saw that he had a shocked expression. I smirked and pushed the berry to the back of my mouth, as I started to suck on Peter's fingers. Peter's breathing started to become heavy, so I let go of Peter's fingers before I started to go any further.

"What a delicious strawberry," I whispered to Peter, I saw a light stripe of pink run along Peter's face. I smirked, "Aww, is Peter Pan blushing?" I cooed, then Peter teleported out from under me. I turned around trying to find where Peter teleported, of course, he teleported next to Felix. I smirked and saw that Devin was making his way towards me, I turned around on the log to get a better view of Peter, Felix, Devin and all the other boys that are not behind me.

I smiled then saw that Devin sat next to me, then Nathan on my other side out of the corner of my eye.

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