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-Y/N POV -

The boys cheered in response to my question, what was all I needed for an answer. I smiled and looked at Peter, silently telling him that he can instruct the boys. Peter nodded and looked back at the boys.

"Alright, boys go get changed, and let's head to the waterfall!" Peter told/yelled at the boys, and they raced their ways to get changed. Peter looked back at me and we made our way back to our hut. Once we made it, Peter summoned me a bathing suit and handed it to me. I stripped myself and looked at him, he had a lustful look (as usual when I am naked in front of him) I smirked and took his chin, in my index finger and thumb.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips and took the bathing suit. I pulled away and got dressed, I sat on the bed and watched Peter get changed. Once Peter and I were both changed we made our way back to the main camp, I looked around at all of the boys that are either wearing their boxers or sweatpants.

I am the only one that is wearing an actual bathing suit, I stare at all of the boys' abs, just admiring them.


All of the older boys were smirking, I coughed trying to catch Y/n's attention while she stared at my lost boys. I wrapped my arms around her waist and started to nibble at her neck, she moaned quietly while tilting her head against my chest. I chuckled, knowing that I pulled her out of whatever she was lost in.

"Let's go," I told the boys, Y/n looked at me with either excitement, lustfulness, or flushed I couldn't tell.

When we made it to the waterfall, all the boys jumped in without hesitation. Y/n seemed a little more nervous to jump than the rest of the group, I jumped in and held my arms out. Telling her that she will be ok if we jump, eventually, she did jump but that was after Devin tried to push her in.

Let me set the scene, Devin got out of the water and 'sneakily' came up behind her but he was not quite enough, at all. She spun around and pushed him off the cliff and into the water, all the boys laughed at Devin and cheered at Y/n's capabilities.

"Beat that Devin!" She yelled at him. Then she jumped in after Devin re-surfaced and spat out water that somehow got into his mouth while he was falling.

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