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I knock on Pans door, waiting for an answer but no one is answering. I sigh and turn to face Devin and Simon who are standing behind me, I look down at Simon and nudge my head towards the door. Simon's eyes light up, excited that he gets to enter Pans hut 'with permission'.


I groan when I hear multiple knocks on my and Y/n's door, I wrap my arm around her, pulling my Lost Girl closer to me. A few seconds later, I fall back to sleep.

- Y/N POV -

I hear light footsteps enter the hut, I open one of my eyes and see that Simon is running towards the bed. I open up my arms to allow Simon to enter, he climbs onto the bed and cuddles close to me while Peter pulls me closer to him.

"Why are you here Simon?" I whisper, Simon looks up at me as I play with his hair. He nuzzles closer to me.

"Felix wanted to talk to Pan, but both of you guys were asleep. So he sent me in here to wake you up," Simon answered, pulling me closer to him but failing because Peter is stronger.

"Well, it worked," Peter grumbled against my neck, I giggled at him.

"Aww, is Peter Pan tired," I teased Peter, he pulled me closer to him.

"No, Peter Pan wants to keep his Lost Girl all to himself," Peter mumbles, he tightened his grip on my waist.

"Well, Peter Pan is going to have to share his Lost Girl because Felix wants to talk to him and Peter's Lost Girl needs to get her chores done,"

"Mmmm," Peter grumbles against my neck. I look towards Simon and tell him that he can go, he gets up and leaves Peter and my hut. "No," Peter finally says, I sigh, teleporting out of Peter's grasp and changing into clean clothes.

"Bye-bye Peter," I tease, waving my hand and leaving the hut. I stand beside the door to the hut, a few seconds later I hear shuffling coming from inside the hut and footsteps coming closer to the door. I smirk and start running towards the main area of the camp, hoping that Peter is following me.

I sit down on one of the logs near the fire, catching my breath while I wait for Peter to come into view. A few moments later, I have fully caught my breath, and Peter is coming into view with Felix and Devin following behind him.

"Our dear Captain is still on the island, and we need to deal with him," Peter tells us, I get up from my spot on the log and walk forwards to be able to hear Peter's plan. Peter looks at me and says, "Lost Girl, I need you to keep an eye on the young Lost Boys and make sure that Henry is with you," Peter whispers that last part in my ear.

"What about you?" I ask, he looks at me with a warm smile. Peter pulls me aside and away from where the boys could hear us.

"I'll be fine, you need to make sure that all the younger Lost Boys are ok and I also need you to make sure that Henry stays with you. Also, I want you to find a safe place to stay for now," Peter puts his hands on my shoulders for reassurance, but he seems like he's trying to reassure himself.


"Good girl," Peter kisses me and hugs then squeezes my hand before leaving with the older Lost Boys. I turn to the younger boys and Henry.

"Hey, Simon?" I ask Simon, he comes towards me with a nervous look. "Do you know if Peter can tell where everything is on the island?"

"Yeah, Pan can tell where everyone is at all times," Simon answers me, I smile sweetly at him. I bend down and pick Simon up in my arms, he wraps his arms around my neck.

"Come on boys, let's find somewhere safe to stay until the pirates are gone," I tell them, most of the boys seem nervous. Cubby comes up to me and grabs my hand, I squeeze his hand lightly and we start walking away from the camp.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now