Your Choice

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 "We're not in neverland?" I ask, my head still trying to wrap around the fact that I just had sex with my lover and there is an 85% chance we would have a child.


 We're back in Neverland, I'm sitting on one of the logs in front of the campfire, my elbows resting on my knees as I try to concentrate on what I've just learned a few minutes ago. Y/n is playing with the younger boys, playing 'Duck, Duck, Goose,' Simon is currently being chased by Y/n. He manages to sit down before he gets tapped, the boys laughed along with Y/n and they continued to play the game.

 After a while, they ended the game and Y/n came walking over to me, hands behind her back as she walked bashfully. I tap my thigh and she took a seat on it, one of her legs on either side of mine, putting her hands on my shoulders to steady herself while facing me. She takes a deep breath and straightens her posture, looking me in the eyes. 

 "Peter..." she whispered, I bring a hand up and scootch her closer to me.

 "Yes, my love?" I ask, the boys are walking around, doing their daily tasks, not diving any more attention to me or my darling than necessary.

 "Do you have the tests with you? Also," she takes a deep breath, looking around to make sure none of the boys are staring at her. "Would you be willing to, you know..."

 "Only if you want to," I say, bringing my hands behind her back and teleporting us to our hut, flopping onto our bed and pulling her with me. She lays on my front, her arms playing with my hair while she calms herself. I lock the door with my magic and close my eyes, suddenly, a gust of air hits my face and I open my eyes; analyzing around the hut before my eyes land on my lover, her sweet giggles caught my attention almost immediately. 

 "Did you do that?" I teased, bringing my hands to her sides and start wiggling them, my lovers' eyes widen and she bursts out in giggles.

 "N-" she laughs, her hands rushing to catch mine to keep me from tickling her. I smile at her, my smile widening when I hear her laughter. 

 God, I love her laughter! 

 It takes me a minute before I register that I'm also laughing my heart out, she smiles widely, ear to ear when she hears my laughter.

 "Look at you, my queen, laughing your heart out, it seems it is contagious," I chuckle, slowing my hands and snuggling her closer to me. Once she calms herself once again, she nuzzles her nose into the crook in my neck and sighs, her muscles relaxing against mine. "I would love to add another lost one into our family," I whisper, "but only if you want to, in the end, it's your choice."

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now