Pillow Better Than Peter *

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- Y/N POV -

I grind my hips into Peter's, and he starts to whine and moan, his head falling back and his hands instinctively going for my waist.

"Peter~" I whine, he chuckles and brings down a hand to rub my clit. I moan, arching my back and curling my toes.

"Pan!" Simon's voice calls from behind the door, I groan at the loss of friction when Peter gets up from the bed, using his magic to dress before he kisses me and teleported out of the hut, leaving me hot and bothered.

"Ugh," I groan again, "Peter couldn't satisfy me before he left?" I ask myself before grabbing the pillow next to me and starting to make friction with it.

I slowly disregard my undergarments leaving me naked, hot, and bothered in Peter's bed. Teasing my nipples, putting a finger in my mouth and sucking, anything I can do to make myself think Peter's still here. Rubbing the fabric along my sensitive parts before I push two fingers into my soaking core, moaning at the feeling of something to squeeze with my walls.

"I see why Peter likes his cock in here," I chuckle to myself before I start scissoring, I let out a shaky breath. Trying to keep my composer even though there is no point to it, the scissoring soon becomes too much and I start moaning loudly.

Then suddenly, something overcomes me and I start screaming in pleasure.


"Yes, Simon?" I ask, looking down at the Lost Boy in front of me.

"Where is Y/n?" Simon asked, I chuckle, putting my hand on his back and bringing him back to the main area of the camp.

"She's... busy," I say, the older boys start snickering. I glare at them and they shut up, straightening their backs and tightening their hold on their weapons.


"Yes, why don't you ask Felix about it?" I ask, softly pushing him to my second in command. Man, Y/n's rubbing off on me... a lot! I think to myself, walking back to my and Y/n's hut, I hear noises coming from inside our hut.

"I see why Peter likes his cock in here," I hear Y/n's voice say, I slowly open the door and my eyes widen at the sight in front of me. Y/n has her middle and index finger on her right hand in her pussy, she's scissoring herself, her head pushed against the mattress, and her moans become louder.

I smirk, looking over my shoulder and seeing no boys behind me, slowly I walk inside the hut, closing the door behind me. Leaning against the door, locking it using my magic. I flick my wrist, green smoke slowly floats towards her naked, beautiful frame.

The smoke disintegrates when it hits her pussy, and she starts screaming. I chuckle, she slowly looks at me and her eyes widen.

"P-P-Ahh" She screams, I smirk, strutting my way towards the bed.

"Yes, little Lost Girl?" I ask, raising a brow, her eyes flicker from my eyes to her pooling cunt.

"W-wha-" Her moan interrupts her question, my left hand slowly pulls her fingers from her core and brings them to my mouth to suck her delectable juices from them. I hum, closing my eyes as I enjoy my lover's juice.

"I put a spell on you, my love," I say, rubbing her clit with my right thumb, she whimpers, "I know love, I know. Do you want to know how the spell works?" She nods, I chuckle, "It makes wherever it touches double the sensitivity,"

She whimpers, whimpers. I let my head fall back against my neck, feeling myself getting hard in my pants, slowly feeling them become tighter and tighter.

"P-please... P-Peter~" She whines, I magic my clothes away and inch by inch, push my dick into her cunt. She gasps and squirms under my body, her hands falling onto my shoulders, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

"That's it, my love," I purr, a few thrusts later she came, her walls squeezing my cock so tight it forces me to cum with her. She looks at me lazily, pulling my neck down so she can mark it as her own, I chuckle.

"I missed you, Never Peter," She whispers into my neck, sucking on a love bite.

"I missed you too, Y/n," I whisper back, rolling onto my back and pulling her onto my stomach, wrapping my arms around her body.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now