New Owner Of The Heart

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- Y/N POV -

"Intruders!" I hear a voice yell, I jump from the bed. Hearing footsteps rushing behind me, as I ran out of the hut. When I step out, they are all fighting our 'guests'.


"Intruders!" One of the Lost Boys yells from outside, and the bed moves. I turn around and see Y/n running out of our hut, naked. I rush after her, summoning some clothes for her just before the boys or anyone else could see.

It turned out to be my clothes that I summoned onto her body. But she seemed fine with that as she let the door swing open. All the Lost Boys were fighting, except for the little ones, the intruders must not want to fight little kids.

"Hey!" Y/n called, getting everyone's attention, I stood behind her, confused about what my Lost Girl is doing.

"Y/N!" Hook yelled, pulling her into a hug. I glare at Hook, and he glares right back at me. "What are you still doing here?"

"Staying with my family," She explains, pulling out of the hug. Hook sighs, before walking away from the two of us, admitting defeat once more.


Hook and the rest of Henry's family are still here, but I managed to get Henry to Skull Rock. We're inside right now, the light from the moon shines on us as he's handing me his heart, I know he's only going to stay conscious as long as he's holding his heart. Once he pushes it into my body, he will fall to the ground, unconscious. But he hasn't done that part yet, and his family will come for him soon.

"Henry!" Emma yells, we look towards her as she continues to talk, "You don't have to do this,"

"But I do Mom, magic's dying, and I can save it!" Henry tried to convince her, I nodded along.

"Yes Emma, magic is dying and Henry is the only one who can help. He is the real saviour," I said, smirking when Regina entered and looked baffled.

"Really?" Regina asked, I nodded my head. Henry took a deep breath and pushed the heart fully into my body, I gasped at the sudden power I felt coursing through my body. I smirked and started floating in the air, the group looked mortified as Henry fell to the floor.

"Thank you for helping me, Henry, you saved Neverland," I say before flying back to the campsite, my powers were now enhanced, hopefully, nothing other than that changes drastically.

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