Unwanted Company

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Smiling down at my Lost Girl while thinking about what I have accomplished: Making myself immortal, keeping the boys from killing one another again today, and claiming my Lost Girl once more in my bed.

The door to our hut is swung open and Jake is seen with his swim trunks on, his excited expression making Y/n and I worry about what Felix or Devin might have told him.

"Felix said we're going swimming and told me to remind you-" He realizes what's in front of him, he stops talking and his eyes widen. He stands in the doorway of our hut, the door open but luckily none of the other Lost Boys are looking in.

"Jake, you have the few seconds that I can hold Peter back to run and pray that your life will be spared. I think you should start running," Y/n said, moving her arms around my neck to keep me in place. I glare at Jake and he rushes out of the hut, the door closing from the wind pushing it shut, I look down at Y/n and kiss her forehead.

"He doesn't deserve to live with the image of you laying naked on me," I say, trying to get up without hurting her. Finding Jake won't be a problem, the problem is me going back to my old ways and killing whoever is not doing what is needed of them.

"But he won't snitch, you know he's terrified of you. Especially now,"

"Can you stay here?" I ask, magicking my clothes on and standing next to the bed. Y/n sighs and shakes her head, getting up from the bed she goes to my closet and grabs some of my clothes. After grabbing a T-shirt and sweatpants from my closet, she walks back over to me and interlocked our arms.

"Let's go find Jake,"


We found Jake hiding in a bush a few meters from the main part of the camp, not the smartest move but I'm not complaining.

I grab his arm and pull him back to the camp, he's shaking from nerves and is making it harder for Y/n to watch. I call all the boys to huddle around me and Jake, Y/n's standing next to Devin and Nathan, and Felix to Devin's other side.

"I have gathered you all here because Jake has done something that cannot be forgiven," I say, the boys start to whisper amongst themselves. I turn to Jake and ask, "How about you tell them what you did?"

"I-I... walked into Pan's hut without knocking,"

"And what did you see?"

"I saw Pan and Y/n laying... naked on their bed," He says, his head hanging low. I raise my chin and look amongst the boys, they start to become tense and worriedly look at each other before looking back at Jake.

"Felix, you know what to do," I say to my second in command, he walks closer to Y/n and pulls her from the group and back to our hut. Once I knew for sure she was left, I unshielded my dagger and brought it to his neck.

"I'm sorry Pan, please-" Jake tries to plead for my mercy, I hardly feel bad for him, if anything I feel bad for Y/n.

"Sorry Jake, it was nice knowing you," I say, slicing his throat, his blood falling onto his body and my pants. The two of the older boys took his body away and they went back to what they were doing, I walked to my hut and saw Felix walking away from it.

"Is she upset?" I asked, and Felix nodded.

"When I left I heard her sobbing and the door lock," Felix responded, his head low and his bat on his shoulders.

"I'll talk to her," I said, going over to the door to our hut and putting my ear to the door.

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