Sticking With Him - Part 2

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- Y/N POV -

"What do you think they're talking about?" I asked, they shrugged. I smiled at my friends, trying to guess what Peter and Felix are talking/whispering about. I looked around and saw Henry sitting all alone also I got up and said that I was going to be right back then made my way to Henry.

I sat down beside him and watched as he starred at the bonfire, I pocked his side and he flinched at the sudden contact. I chuckled at his reaction and asked what was wrong but all I got in response was 'My family will come for me, I know it.' I sighed remembering what Peter told me a while ago.


"Is he asleep?" Peter asked and Felix nodded, Peter took my hand and grabbed Felix's wrist. While dragging Felix I had to jog to keep up with Peter at his incredible speed, "Y/n do you remember what I told you about the hourglass?" Peter asked, I narrows my eyes and nodded slowly.

"Does she know what happens when all the sand is in the bottom half?" Felix asked, I shook my head, now curious about what will happen.

" She doesn't and I'd like to keep it that way," Peter said while glaring to Felix then dropped his wrist while keeping mine in his hand and intertwining our fingers.

"Woah Woah Woah, I would like to what happens," I said while looking back and forth at both boys, Peter sighed.

"She would have found out one way or another," Felix said, I turned my head towards Peter and we made eye contact for a few seconds before looking away.

"If the sand is all  at the bottom then..." Peter said while trailing off.

"Then..." I said, wanting him to keep going.

"He'll die," Felix finished, my mouth fell open as I ran into him and hugged him as hard as possible. A few moments later Peter hugged back clearly not wanting Felix to see his soft side but he also knows that if he doesn't hug back then I will be sad, and Peter never wants me sad.

Then Peter told me that he needs Henry's heart and he has to stop believing in his family, that part will be the hardest part of this 'project'.

End Flashback

"Well, if they did want to save you they would have done it by now. Wouldn't they?" I asked Henry, he sighed and nodded his head. I smiled slightly and continued, "So, why don't the Lost Boys and I be your new family?" I asked. He looked away from the fire and smiled slightly while pulling me into a hug. I hugged back while smirking towards some of the Lost Boys.

When we pulled away for the hug, I ruffled his hair and walked towards Peter and Felix. When I made it to them, they were smirking at me.

"What were you telling Henry?" Peter asked, I returned their smirks with mine.

"Just a few things that might make his experience... Better while he says on the island," I tell the boys, they chuckle. Peter grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"You still blush when Pan makes contact with you?" Felix teases, I push my head into Peter's collar bone. Peter chuckled, pulling me closer to him.

"Yes," I said into Peter's skin, earning chuckles from both boys.

"What did you want to do today, little Lost Girl?" Peter asked, looking down at me. I look up at him and smile.

"Have the boys ever played Mafia?" I asked them, I turn to Felix when I hear him talk.

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