Pack Up

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The spell took a good five maybe six minutes to prepare, especially with the younger Lost Boys wanting to play games. And the older Lost Boys wanting to spent time with Y/n, My Y/n! Of course I said no and gave them a task to do.

Once the spell was prepared, I told the younger Lost Boys to get the special something that belongs to them. For example Simon grabbed his special pillow that Y/n made him, on the first day she came here when I asked her to spend time with the younger Lost Boys, I asked her to spend time with them when the older Lost Boys wanted to spend time with her alone.

I went back to my tent and found Y/n still under the covers, the way I left her. When I closed the door, it made a creaking noise and Y/n looked over at me. Then she smiled when she noticed that it was me that was entering the tent.

"Did you think someone else would come to tell you the news that I have?" I asked while walking over to my Queen.

"What is the news?" Y/n asked in a tired tone, I keened in front of the bed and started to caress her cheek.

"We are going to be moving camp, so that no intruders will be able to find us." I said with a soft tone not wanting her to be angry or nervous, I know she is sensitive. Mentally and physically. I smirked at the thought, then I removed the covers from my little princess. She is still naked, I do my best to control myself.

"You really want to lay me right now, don't you?" Y/n asked with an innocent tone, I smirked and kissed her forehead.

"Yes, yes I really do." I admitted

"Come on Peter, we need to get to the Lost Boys."

I love that she cares for the Lost Boys. I thought to myself, with a smile on my face.

"That means you need to cover up that admirable body of yours, princess." I purred. Then she blushed at the new nickname.

"Like the new nickname... Princess?" I whispered into her ear, her blush became more visible, and she curled up a little bit clearly wanting to hide her blush.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now