Not a Shadow but a Boat

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I waited for a few minutes before entering, her sobbing became more clear as I slowly opened the door with magic. Making sure that I stay quiet as I enter, slowly opening the door and closing it behind me. I stand with my back against the door for a minute with a frown on my face, she's holding one of my pillows in between her legs and chest with her arms around her legs, keeping them from falling.

"Wh-why did he h-ave to kill him?" She stuttered, worry filling my expression as I step closer, accidentally stepping on a squeaky spot on the floor and she whipped her head up at me. Her tears multiply at an alarming rate when she sees me, I take a step forward and she tightens her grip on her legs.

"A-are you g-going t-t-to hurt me too, P-Peter?" She whispers, I feel tears about to fall from my eyes at her words.

"Never," I say, bringing my hands to try and show her I'm not going to use my magic.

"W-why did y-you-"

"Kill him?" I asked, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed with my back against the corner of the headrest. She starts nudging closer to me until her shoulder is grazing against mine, "I don't know for sure but-"

"Y-you don't k-know?"

"I'm sorry, love," I look down, shame across my face. She brings a hand to my chin and looks into my eyes, we're nose to nose.

"I'll only accept your apology on two conditions," She says, her voice stern but still shaky.

"What are the two conditions, my love?" I asked in a soft tone, the tips of her mouth curving up at my nickname for her.

"One: you're not allowed to kill the other Lost Boys without talking to me about it and we both agree with who you're killing. And two: I want you to cheer me up," She says, I nod and smile, I can do the second one for sure but the first one will take some time. Hopefully, she is patient with me, like it isn't ever.

I turn to the nightstand and open the drawer, bringing out my pipe and her face lights up. I chuckle and bring one hand around her shoulders and pull her head to lay on my chest before starting to play the pipe.

"Peter?" She asks after a few minutes of listening to me play the pipe. I pause on playing and look down at her while answering.

"Yes, little Lost Girl?"

"Why is the music only a whisper?" She asks, I smile softly, already knowing the reason she cannot hear it as well as the Lost Boys.

"That's because you are loved, by me and the Lost Boys, but you still feel lost because that's how Neverland works for the kids that are taken by my shadow-"

"But your shadow didn't take me, Dad brought me here on his ship." She questioned, I kiss her temple before answering.

"We had our eye on you for a while, little Lost Girl," I bopped her nose and she giggled, snuggling herself closer into my body. "I'm truly sorry for killing Jake, something came over me and-"

"I accept your apology, Peter," She whispers and kisses me.

- 3rd PERSON POV -

"You should rest, you lost a lot of energy while crying. I'll have one of the Lost Boys watching, making sure you are fine, I promise," Peter promise, she nods and lets sleep consume her body. Peter slowly get out of bed when he knew his Lost Girl was asleep and walked over to Amar, asking him to sit in a tree to keep an eye on her while he and the rest of the Lost Boys were going to work on the defences. Amar nodded and Peter went back to his and Y/n's hut, smiling at his little Lost Girl, walking over and placing a kiss before grabbing some things he will need and placing one last soft kiss on her forehead.

The kiss was soft, tender, but also passionate, Peter was hoping that in Y/n's dreams he was kissing her forehead with the exact same emotion as he was giving her.

"I love you," He whispered, then walked over to the door and walked out but not without sneaking one last look at his lover, making his way to the Lost Boys waiting for him.

Meanwhile Amar, after nodding to his leader, went to the food hut and took some food. Completely forgetting the mission he was just assigned from his leader, grabbing a cooked rabbit leg and walking back to his 'sleeping bag', once he finished his night snack, he laid down and went to bed.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now