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After Peter got the boys off of me, I saw that the Shadow was floating beside Peter. I tilt my head but smile at the shadow, it smirks back, I chuckle and walk towards it.

"How are you doing, Shadow?" I asked, he looked down at me and answered my question.

"I'm fine, how are you, Y/n?" It asked in its raspy, deep voice. I nod and smile at it, I look over at Peter and see him staring at the boys. I walk closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder and I hear him sigh.

"Are you ok, Peter?" I ask, Peter looks down at me and slowly nods his head.

"Yes," Peter lied but I let it slide.


It's been a few days since the pirates invaded our camp since then, we moved our camp, I kept better track of the younger boys, Peter has hardened the training for the older boys, and he doesn't want me to leave camp.

As I sit on a log, the boys are dancing around the campfire and Peter is playing his flute, I get up and join the boys in dancing. When Peter saw me dancing, he stopped playing his flute and just watched me dance around the fire. I can see the fire moving along with my movements but I must be dreaming it, I hope.


The fire seems to be moving with Y/n's movements, I look at the boys and see that their expressions are like mine: surprised, nervous, and worried. As Y/n keeps dancing around the fire, she twirls and the fire moves in a circular motion around Y/n.

"Y/N!" I call, the stops spinning and the fire dissolves into thin air, but Y/n stopped soon enough to see the fire. She runs towards me and wraps me in a hug, I hug her back with one hand on her back and the other on her head. "Shh, it's ok," I whisper and kiss the crown of her head.

"Peter, what's happening?" Y/n asks into my shirt, the boys all stare at us.

"You'll be ok, I promise," I whisper, she nods against my shirt. I look back at the boys and yell at them, "Find a chore and do it!"

The boys all scurry around the camp, trying to find something to do before I threaten their lives. I teleport Y/n and me to our hut, I walk over to the closet and bring out one of my shirts. I walk back over to Y/n and slowly take off her clothes before I bring my shirt over her head.

"How about you rest?" I ask in a warm voice, not wanting her to be more scared, she nods her head. I lay her down on the bed with her head on the pillows and place the blanket over her body. She yawns once I place a kiss on her temple, I smile down at her and was about to leave when I hear.

"Nigh-nigh, Mr. King of Neverland," I chuckle at the name while remembering when Y/n suggested that nickname.

"Night, my darling Lost Girl," I whisper, closing the door behind me. As I walk back to the camp, I was pulled aside and a sword was put against my neck.

"Where is Henry?" A voice says, I chuckle while shaking my head.

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