New Game *

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- Y/N POV -

Then Peter and I went outside then Peter called to all of the Lost Boys.

"BOYS!" Peter called and all of the Lost Boys stopped what they where doing to look at Peter. "WE ARE GOING TO PLAY A GAME!" Peter called to all of the boys then all of the boys cheered and whistled. "Y/n, would you like to tell the boys what game we are playing?" Peter asked me.

"Boys, today we're going to play hide and seek." I said, then all the boys cheered and whistled once more.

"Y/n, will have 5 minutes to hide then we will try and find her." Peter said then walked up to me and said "Go run Y/n." Then all the boys started chanting 'Run, run, run,' And with that I ran into the forest.

5 minutes later, I heard the Lost Boys running and howling. I giggled when I heard Peter calling my name and saying things like 'Come out, come out, where ever you are~' or 'Love we need to talk~' That last one almost made me come out of my hiding spot.

Soon Devin found me up in my tree, but couldn't reach me. Then Pick, Collins, Cole, James, Ethan, William, Max, Nathan, all the other Lost Boys trailing behind Felix and Peter.

"Hello love, looks like we found you." Peter said

"Looks that way." I said then the boys reached their hands up and reaching to grab me and pull me down. I looked at Peter, and he nodded in response and giving the 'go ahead' look telling me that it is ok to jump into the arms of the Lost Boys. So I did just that, and most of the boys caught me and 'gently' put me down on the ground while Nathan and Devin came and knelt down next to me.

"How are you doing Y/n?" Nathan asked

Nathan, Devin, and Felix are the Lost Boys that I am the closed to ever since I came to Neverland, with my dad and the crew. Of course that does include Peter.

"Ok, now that I am out of that tree." I said then Peter came and knelt in front of me and said "Your turn to find me."

"NO using your powers Peter." I said then I got up and Peter followed and I whispered into his ear "Go run, Never Peter." With that he started to run into the forest, then the boys gathered around me and I started to count to 300.

Once finished I made my way over to the beach, where I found a Peter Pan sitting on the sand.

"Hi Peter~" I said as I slowly made my way behind Peter and rapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. "I caught you Peter."

"Yes I know love." Peter said

After a few more rounds Peter had 3 points and I had 4 points. It was now dark outside and the boys and I are getting tired, after the 7th round Peter told the boys to go to bed. On our way back I said "Sooo, guess who will be making the first move?" Peter just smirked, then teleported us to our hut, then I slammed him against the wall with my hands on each side of Peter.

"My time to shine, Never Peter." He just chuckled

"Go on ahead, darling." Peter said, then I smashed my lips on his and felt him smirk into the kiss, and chuckle while doing so. After a few minutes just kissing Peter's lips were not enough, then I moved down to his neck receiving a few quiet moan's but was still enough for me to here.

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