New Location - Part 1

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- Y/N POV -

As we walked over to where the Lost Boys are gathered Peter had his arm around me and told me that he would like me to stick with the younger Lost Boys, I nodded.

Once we made it to the main part of the camp Peter explained how the spell worked to me and the newest Lost Boys. After Peter finished explaining, he nodded to me, silently signaling me to do what he asked me to before we arrived, I nodded and headed over to the younger Lost Boys. They smiled when I stopped in front of the miniature Lost Boys, I giggled at their excitement of being near me.

"Why are you guys so excited?" I asked through my now laughs instead of giggles. I looked back over at Peter and noticed that he was smiling at me. And Felix and Devin were on either side of him, I gave him a questioning look but still had a smile on my face.


I watched as she walked over to the younger Lost Boys and how they were excited to have her keeping an eye on them. Then Felix came over to me and had a smirk on his face, with his bat in his right hand. As he walked over Devin noticed and started to do the same, Once they were both on either side of me they started to question me.

"So..." Felix started

"Whose is she?" He questioned, I looked over at him and rose a brow. Of course, it was obvious, she was mine and only mine.

"Mine," I said in a proud tone.

"You sure?" Devin asked, clearly trying to get on my nerves, it's not going to work. I looked over at him and nodded with my smirk on my face.

"Completely," I replied

Then I looked back over at Y/n, I noticed that she had that careless smile on her face and I instantly changed emotions. Y/n looked at me, then at Devin and Felix. Her eyes locked with mine, she gave me a questioning look but still had that careless smile just... with some confusion mixed along with it, I smiled at her and she relaxed.

I looked at the older Lost Boys and noticed that they were holding the things that they wanted to make sure that it came with us.

I raised my arm in the air and yelled the next instructions, "ALL RIGHT BOYS, LET'S GET GOING" they nodded and I started to walk to our new campsite location.

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