Good-Morning *

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I walk over to the door and open it, my glare increases when I noticed that the boy interrupting my time with Y/n, is Felix.

"What?" I growled at him

"Why are you shirtless? Never mind, when the older Lost Boys and I went for our patrol-" Felix started but then I cut him off.

"Get to the point, Felix." I growled

"We found out that Henry's family if here on the island, and they're looking for him and they are also looking for Y/n." Felix finished. I looked back over at Y/n, then at Henry, then Felix again.

"Pack up we are moving the camp in the morning."

With that Felix left and went over to Jim, William, Nathan, and Devin. While I went back to the little Lost Girl that is trapped on my bed, with no way to escape. Once I closed the door, I looked over to Y/n and saw that she is in the same position that I left her in, I smiled.

"Little Lost Girl~" I cooed wanting to have her attention back on me, then her head whipped immediately to where my voice was coming from, I chuckled and made my way back over to my bed.

"Peter~" She whined

"Yes?" I chuckled and got back into my straddling my little Lost Girl.

"I want more~"

"'More' what darling?"

"How did you say it? Oh right, I want more satisfaction." Y/n mocked me, I chuckled in response and continued satisfying her like I did not stop to talk to Felix.

She moaned in response and then I moved down to her underwear. I moved my fingers to the rim of her underwear, and she moaned in response. "Are you satisfied enough?" I teased, and she shook her head 'No' in response. I chuckled and slowly pulled down her underwear. Then I lightly rubbed her clit and her moans got louder.

"P-Peter~" Y/n whined, and I just put more pressure on her clit while asking.

"What, my little Lost Girl?" I cooed

"M-m-more~, please~" She whined, and I chuckled and started sucking on her breasts spending five seconds on each hard suck, while also making dark purple marks on her skin.

"Is this helping?" I asked with a teasing tone, not having to worry about her not liking it, because I know that she will like it weather she wants to like it or not. She nodded in response and I slowly put one finger in her, then she moaned. I smirked when she moaned, then I put another finger in and made a slow and powerful rhythm. Y/n's moaned got louder and louder.

Then I took my fingers out and heard a sad noise, I chuckled and stripped myself. I know that she could not see, but I also know that she could have heard me taking my taking my clothes off, when I looked back at Y/n I noticed that she has a smirk on her face.

"What are you smirking at?" I asked

"You." Y/n said whiling giggling.

"Oh really?" I said teasing her, she nodded in response. Then I lined myself up at her entrance, I saw that she was trying to pull herself away from the restraints.

"What are you trying to do, my love?" I asked, I saw her blush and I chuckled and slowly pushed myself into her. Her moans slowly got louder and louder, when I was all the way into her I made a slow rhythm. After a few rhythms I started to lightly kiss her abdomen, Y/n's moans were still there just not as loud.

Once I did a few more pumping, quickening the pace of the rhythm I was making, then kissing more of her body parts, and massaging her leg's. I slowly made my way out of her, after I was fully out of my fragile little Lost Girl, I made my way over to the restraints.

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