Thinking Tree - Part 2

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- Y/N POV -

I rest my head on Peter's shoulder as I watch the boys, soon all of the boys were healed or healing and are now starting to play games. I smile, listening to the laughs of the Lost Boys.

"I love you," I say

"I love you more, my little Lost Girl," Peter challenges me, I look at him and kissed his lips. He raises one of his hands and grabs my cheek, I smile into the kiss. When we parted, I talked.

"Can I love you more?" I ask, he chuckles and smiles down at me.

"You can try..." Peter whispers, tightening his grip on me. "But, I will always love you more,"

"Do you think I should go?" I ask, Peter's smile falls.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you think I should go with my 'Father' and go to this so-called 'Story Brook'?" I ask in a sad voice, Peter sighs knowing that this will be a difficult conversation.

"No, I think you should stay here on Neverland with the boys and me,"

"Never Peter, what would you do if I went to Story Brook?"

"Would it be willingly?" Peter asks, I look down at the boys.

"For both situations,"

"Well, if you went willingly then I would do anything in my power to keep you on Neverland. If you went unwillingly and they kidnapped you, then I would save you from them," Peter says, lowering his hand back to my waist.

"...Ok..." I say after some silence. Peter leans in and pecks my neck while whispering in my ear. I shiver at his breath, he chuckles when I do so.

"But I'm not going to let them take you to Story Brook without a fight, I promise, my precious darling Lost Girl" Peter whispers, I sigh, leaning into Peter's touch. I hum in response while closing my eyes in content, a few minutes later of just staying in this position, I hear some footsteps walking towards the tree.

I open my eyes and look down, by the trunk of the tree Simon, Cubby, Nathan, Felix, Mathew, and a few others stand there. Peter stops kissing my neck and looked down at the boys.

"What?" Peter asked the boys, Simon comes closer to the tree and talked.

"Can Y/n help?" Simon asks, my expression changed into confusion. I reposition myself on the branch to my shoulder is against Peter's chest, and my legs dangle off the branch.

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