It's A Suprise

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- Y/N POV -

I woke up to my sore legs and throbbing neck. I also felt something heavy on my legs and warm breath against the back of my neck breathing in and out, a slow and soothing rhythm. I felt my eyes become heavier and heavier until I couldn't keep them oven any more, and fell asleep once more.

When I woke up again and heard a soft soothing British accent waking me. "Darling, its time to get up, we are going to play a game today." The voice said.

"What game?" I asked

"It's a surprise." Peter said with a smirk forming on his face.

"But I wanna stay in bed." I whined, Peter's smirk only grew and threw the covers off of me. That's when I realized that I was still naked, while Peter was fully dressed. Next Peter got on top of me (straddling) and lowered his face so it's inches in front of mine.

"You want more, don't you darling?" Peter asked, I nodded eager for Peter's lips on mine, he chuckled and lowered his head while his hands were roaming my body ghost like. At first the kiss was nice and sweet, but then the kiss got heated and intense, clearly Peter wanted more then just a kiss at the moment. I seems like Peter wanted to fuck me, over and over, until he couldn't anymore.

As the kiss intensed Peter's hands became more firm on my body as they roamed. When Peter finally had to break for air I was panting but Peter didn't stop at my lips, his lips made their down to my neck and I moaned.

"Peter~" I whined, Peter chuckled.

"I just wanted you to be ready for the game we play after the one I am warming you up for." Peter said

( Sorry for not posting often I am busy with school, drums, and the other books. If you guys don't mind I would really appreciate it if you gave me some ideas about what you ant to read in this book? Thank you guys for reading and hope you guys will be patient with me, love you guys. BYE :) )

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