I'm On Top This Time - Part 2 *

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- Y/N POV -

"Hello, Peter," I said as I walked inside the tent, Peter's eyes were already on me. I teleported on top of Peter and watched as he whipped his head around to look at me again. I giggled, I slowly let my hands run down Peter's body until they were resting on his cock. Peter bucked his hips, wanting me to put more pressure on his member, I smirk and put a little more pressure.

Peter moaned, tilting his head back in pleasure. I giggled and bent down, I kissed the tip then put the whole thing in my mouth. Slowly bobbing my head, back and forth earning multiple moans from Peter. "Mmmm," Peter moaned, I smirked and caressed his dick with my tongue.

"Y-Y-Y/n~" Peter moans, grabbing my hair in his tight grip while his other hand grabbed the sheets on the bed. "Y-Y/n... I'm c-close," Peter moaned again. After a few minutes, I felt his cock twitch in my mouth, knowing that he's close.

Soon I felt warm, thick liquid in my mouth I knew that it was Peter's cum. I swallowed every drop of his liquid, then slowly crawled up Peter's body and laid on him. I could feel Peter's chest rise and fall, as I could hear him panting. I scooted up Peter's body a little more, "You taste delightful, my little Lost Boys," I whispered in his ear, I saw that Peter smiled but not one of those 'I've got an evil plan' smile but a genuine smile.

Peter looked down at me and saw that I was dripping, he smirked and raised a brow, about to ask the question that we both wanted the answer to be 'yes'. I nodded, then Peter flipped us over so he was on top. Then he dipped down and kissed me passionately then he had to pull away when we were losing oxygen.

Peter slowly ran down my body, painfully slow. When Peter was finally over my lower half, he lightly blew on my wet cunt. I gasped and moaned, tilting my head back in pleasure. Peter chuckled and licked right in between my folds, I gasped again. I could feel the headboard against the crown of my head.

Peter pulled back then thrust a finger into my core, curling and poking all of my sensitive spots. A few minutes later, Peter added another finger into my hot pussy. With the feeling of his cold finger pumping in and out of my heated slit, I arched my back while rolling my head against the mattress. Soon I could feel the build-up in my abdomen, "Mmmm... P-P-Peter~" I moaned.

Peter looked up at me and smirked while he sped up the pace of his fingering, "Yes, my little Lost Girl?" Peter asked.

"I-I'm c-c-close," I moaned, bucking my hips closer to Peter's hand. I felt a thumb massaging my abdomen, I bucked my hips again hoping that it will release some of the pressure. Peter must have noticed because I felt more pressure on my abdomen and Peter's fingers going at rapid speed. I felt it coming and I screamed in pleasure but Peter's fingers pulled out right before and they were replaced by his mouth, Peter kept liking me while I was riding my high. Peter kept liking me until there was no cum left, in or on my body just like I did with him.

When it was finally over I felt exhausted, I slowly opened my eyes and saw that Peter was climbing my body. Then he laid down gently on me, resting his head against my chest with smiles on both of our faces. "I love you so much, Never Peter," I whispered, then kissed his head. Peter looked up at me and his smile grew.

"I love you too, darling," Peter said, then I fell asleep with Peter resting on me while lightly playing with his hair.

( Please keep staying patient, love you guys. Btw I will be editing the other chapters, so they make more sense :) )

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