Water *

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- Y/N POV -

"Help with what?" I asked Simon, he looked at me and smiled.

"Simon, the others, and I wanted to go to the lake but since the pirates are still leaving the island, we thought that you might like to come with us?" Cubby answered, I looked back at Peter and he looked back up at me then smirked. Knowing that he has my bathing suit in his hut and he will want to have some 'fun' after we go to the lake.

"Ok, but what do I need to help you with?" I asked, Simon. Peter wrapped his arms around my waist, his hands connecting on the other side of my hips.

"Help?" Simon asked, I nodded while answering.

"Help," I said, he looked at Cubby then back at me one more.

"Oh right! Nathan hurt himself and the cut is too deep for us to just wrap it," Simon says, I nod and jump off Peter's lap, landing on the ground with my knees bent so I don't break my legs.

"Can you take me to him, Simon?" I ask, he nods and leads to Nathan.


I open the hut door and hold it open for Peter, he takes the door then holds it while I walk through it. I smile at his gesture, I walk towards the closet to try and find my bathing suit.

I search for it for a few minutes before I fall back against the bed, I look to my left and see Peter with my bathing suit in his hand. I playfully glared at him, "I was looking for that for about three minutes, why didn't you tell me that you had it?" I whined, Peter chuckles, walking over to me on the bed.

"Well, I thought you knew that I had it," Peter lied with a smirk, I playfully glared at him again.

"Well, I didn't," I said, getting up from my laying position. I playfully stomp over to Peter and snatch my bathing suit from him. I walk back to the bed and strip off my clothes when I place my undergarments on the bed I notice Peter's stare, I look at him and see that he only has his underwear on.

I raise a brow and smirk, he looks away and lightly blushes. I walk back to him and slowly pull his underwear down his legs, when it reaches his ankles, I grab one ankle and remove it from the whole than do the same with the other.

I stand back up and grab his wrist before I lightly pull him towards the bed, I sit on the side of the bed and push him down on his knees. He smirks lightly when he realizes what I am doing.

He raises a hand and then starts rubbing his thumb on my clit, I bite my bottom lip and my head falls back against my neck.


My smirk grows when Y/n's head falls against her neck, I raise my other hand and lightly push her to fall against the bed. Y/n moans as I put more pressure on her clit, when I think she is wet enough, I push two fingers in her.

I smirk and start to curl my fingers slowly, I can feel myself getting hard as her moans get louder. I quicken my finger's pace, I chuckle when her moans grow.

"Pan stop fucking Y/n! We want to go to the lake!" Someone yells then started banging on the door.


- Y/N POV -

The boys are swimming in the lake, Peter and I are sitting on a rock near the side of the lake. My legs dangle off the end of the rock as my toes lay in the water. I rest my head on Peter's shoulder, he chuckles and snakes his hand around my waist.

I move my hand to the waves of the water, as I do that, the waves slowly get bigger and move in-sink to my hand movements. I bring my hand up, and the water follows. My eyes widen and I look over to Peter and see that his eyes are also wider than usual.

"Darling?" Peter asked, I look at him and drop my hand. The water fall's back into the lake.

"Uh..." I started looking back at my hand, I up at the boys and see them still playing in the water.

"Little Lost Girl, how did you do that?" Peter asks, I shrug my shoulders.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now