Tickle Battle - Part 2

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- Y/N POV -

After what felt like hours of tickling, the boys finally stopped tickling me. I pant, gasping for air. I look down at the boys and glare at them all, spending about three seconds glaring at each boy. "You guys suck!" I yell at them, they all laugh.

"Peter~" I whine, Peter chuckles along with the boys.

"Yes, little Lost Girl?" Peter asks, pulling me up from the ground.

"'The boys are mean~" I tease, rolling my head back while whining. I grab Peter's hand and pull him into our hut while saying, "Time for your turn, and since you don't want the boys to know where you're ticklish. They can listen but they can't watch,"

"Who said you could do that?" Peter asks while I close the door behind him.

"Uh me," I answer with a chuckle, I teleport in front of Peter. He sat down on the chair by the desk, he watches as I grab two of the rags and tie his hands to the armrests. He watches as I slowly move my fingers closer to his sides, under his ribs.

Peter moves his body away from my fingers, but I follow him and wiggle my fingers. Soon little giggles leave his lips, as I quicken the pace of my wiggling fingers.


Peter's laugh becomes silent as he pants, his chest raises up and down and his head rests against the back of the chair. I smile and watch as Peter slowly regains his breath, when his breath is fully regained he sits on the chair with his arms still stuck on the armrests.

"I think that's enough," Peter says, he teleports off the chair and tackles me onto the bed with a smirk on his face.

"Then what do you propose we do?" I tease, Peter lays on me.


I lay all my weight on Y/n's body, she smiles and giggles at me. She takes a deep breath and wraps her arms around my waist, I nuzzle my nose into the crook of her neck making her giggle at my clinginess.

"You're adorable, my little Lost Boy," She whispers in my ear, I smile and kiss her neck sweetly. "I love you, Peter," She whispers again. My smile grows at her words.

"I love you too, my perfect little Lost Girl," I mutter into her neck, I feel her kiss the top of my head while she starts to rub my back with one of her hands while her other hand moves up my back and rests on the top of my head.

Soon sleep fully consumed me.

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