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- Y/N POV -

 Walking out of the 'bathroom', I look up at Peter and see how worried he is. Why is he worried, if I'm pregnant I'm going to be the one in pain?

 "What does it say?" He inquires, I chuckle softly, showing him the test and he seems confused, living in Neverland means that he never had to deal with pregnancy tests. I walk over to the bed and pull him to sit beside me.

 "It'll show us what the answer is in a few minutes," I say, he nods, but I can tell he's still worried, and I chuckle, placing the test on the nightstand and laying with him on my chest. "How are you feeling, Lost Boy?"

 "Ok, nervous, but ok," he says, I bring a hand to his hair and run my finger through it, untangling his hair as I run my hand through it. He takes a deep breath and relaxes his muscles against mine, allowing me to relax him.

 "Would it make you feel better if we had more skin-to-skin contact?" I asked, he nodded and magicked away our clothes, then he brings his arms over my shoulders and snuggles close. "Aw, look at you, so cute when you're nervous, hm?"

 "Shut up."


 "I take it back!" He quickly tries to undo what he just did, I giggle and wrap my arms securely around his waist. "I like talking to you, it's fun."

 "Whatever you say Never Peter, now, let me check the-" I reach for the test and my jaw drops when I see the answer.

 "Love?" Peter asks, I turn to him and show him the results, "what does that-"


 "No way-" One of the boys say from outside, I look at the window and see all the boys standing there, some are holding onto the sides of the window, others are doing their best to see what's happening inside the hut.

 "Peter!" I exclaim, he looks up at me, I point to the window and he growls when he sees the boys. He tightens his hold on me, although they can't see anything inappropriate, he's Peter Pan, the more overprotective person on the island.

 "Out!" He demands and all the boys rush from their spot at the window, I look to the other window and see more, Peter looks and growls making the rest of the boys rush from our hut. "What do we do now?" Peter asks, I smirk and raise a brow in amusement, allowing him to figure out the rest.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now