Round Three *

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- Y/N POV -

After I got teleported into our hut, I saw Peter had taken off his shirt so now he was just wearing trousers. He smirked and said "Like what you see, darling?". I blushed.

"M- maybe." I said, Peter smirked.

"I thought you already saw my abs?" Peter asked a little confused, I blushed more.

"Is someone nervous?" Peter asked, I looked away then Peter moved his hand to my chin making me look back at him.

"Don't make me repeat myself, darling." Peter said while smirking and said with a playful tone.

"Maybe, I am a little bit nervous." I said

"And why might that be, darling?" Peter asked

"I- I don't know." I said then Peter's lips made contact with mine, automatically I kissed back without even thinking. Then Peter ripped off my shirt, when we had to break for air I saw that the shirt was still in contact and without any rip's or tars its like Peter didn't even rip it. I looked at it in confusion, then Peter chuckled and said "Magic, love." I nodded and looked back over at Peter and saw that he was looking at me with that stupid sexy face that looked like he was saying 'I know you will like what I will do next.' Very alluring. I looked away and started to walk over to the bed, but then Peter snuck up behind me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Peter! What are you doing?!?" I yelled, Peter chuckled and threw me to my destination (the bed). Then he rolled me over onto my stomach, and took off my pants. And he got on top of me, after he did that he moved his hands so they are roaming my body, my arms, stomach, ass, then legs.

"Peter, w- what are you doing?" I stuttered, Peter chuckled once more then he put his hands on my underwear and massaged my ass, I moaned.

"Why are you so good at this~?" I whined, Peter chuckled once more.


"So good at what, my little Lost Girl?" I teased Y/n, she moaned in response. I chuckled.

"Is someone satisfied?" She moaned again.

"Is that a yes?" I asked teasing her again while moving my fingers along the rim of her underwear. And she moaned once more while I slowly slide my fingers in and out of her underwear.

I look over to her eyes but notice that her eyes are closed, just enjoying the feeling of my hands messaging her ass. Y/n moaned once more finalizing my estimation, then I move my hands back up and roaming the sides of her body.

"Darling, do you like this?" I asked, she nodded, I chuckled and continued. "Love, we are just getting started." After I said that she smiled and moved her arms up above her head, and also giving my hands more room to touch her skin.

"Why are you so good at this~?" Y/n asked again, I chuckled and asked. "Darling, that is a little secret of mine, and you are not allowed to find out. Or at least not find out soon."

After I said that I started to tickle her. When I started to tickle her she was squirming, wiggling and kicking her leg's, trying to escape my grasp.

"That's not going to work, darling." I said, while chuckling. Then somehow she had enough room to roll over again so now she is on her back with her stomach facing the ceiling. "H-how did-?" I started to ask then chuckled in the middle of the sentence.

Then I got off of her and went to my desk and opened one of the drawers. I looked inside and saw: some pencils, paper, three rags, and a few other things. I grabbed two out of the three rags and walked back over to Y/n. I saw that she was watching me with a confused expiration plastered all over her face. After I got back over to the bed I grabbed Y/n's hands and she was willing to give me her arms to curious to know that she should not have done that, I smirked then I tied her hands above her head and to the head-board with one of the rags and got in front of her then tied the other rag in front of her eyes so now she can't see.

"P-Peter?" Y/n stuttered

"Yes, darling?" I asked

"W-what are you doing?" She asked, seeming not to be trusting me at the moment.

"Is this why you were nervous earlier?" I asked while smirking. Y/n started to tug on the rag, luckily I put a spell on it so that only I can undo the restraints.

After Y/n trying - and failing - to undo the restraints, she finally gave up and I just watched her trying. "Do you want to be satisfied?" I asked Y/n. She nodded, so with that I snapped my fingers and her bra disappeared. "My little Lost Girl." I cooed seductively.

"Please~" Y/n whined

"'Please' what?" I asked teasing Y/n just so little.

"I want it~" Y/n whined more.

"What do you want darling" I asked

"You~" I chuckled at her response and started to lightly rub her breasts. She gasped and tilted her head back showing me that she wanted more attention from me. I complied by starting to lightly kiss her neck, and put a little bit more pressure on her breasts.

Then I slowly made my way down to her underwear. I lightly rubbed it, receiving a moan in response. She lifted her hips showing me that she wanted more, I chuckled and used one hand to move her hips back down and held her there. I was about to slide my fingers in her underwear when--

Knock knock

I growled and moved over/closer to her so that my face is hovering hers and said "I will be right back, little Lost Girl." Then heard her make a sad noise when I got off of the bed, I chuckled and went back over to her and lightly petted her head a few time before heading to the door.

(Sorry for the late update, I am getting really busy with my school, and after school activities)

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