Hide and Seek?

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I am going to need to talk to Felix later about his timing. I was just starting to have some fun. I wonder why Felix need's me right now, when my tent door is closed (which it is most of the time) it means I am in the middle of something, and I do NOT want to be disturbed.

"What Felix?" I asked a little annoyed that he keep's interrupting my time with Y/n.

"I want on my patrol again and found the Jolly Roger coming towards Neverland." Felix said.

"Did you see who was on the ship?" I asked right after he finished talking, very eager to get Y/n back in my bed.

"No, no we did not." Felix said sounding disappointed because he care's about what I think about him, and how I see him.

"Well go find-out." I said with even more annoyance. Felix nodded and walked off. Right before he was out of my sight completely I called to him "Oh, and one more thing Felix," I started and he stopped walking and looked over to me. "Stop interrupting my fun time with Y/n." I said then shoed him off.

After Felix left, I went over to Y/n and tapped her left shoulder. Then she looked over her left shoulder where I tapped it, and I went in front of her and picked her up and threw her over my shoulder.

Then she started to yell at me, while the boys stopped what they were doing and all watched as the commotion unfold.

"PETER!" She yelled.

"Yes?" I asked looking over my shoulder, to see her squirming in my grasp once more. All the boys snickered while she humiliated herself once more in front of everyone. Once she heard the boys snicker she stopped squirming and started pouting, and whining.

"Please Peter~" Y/n whined and I made my way back to our tent.

"'Please' what darling?" I asked teasing her just so slightly, then slapped her ass and she squeaked and I chuckled at her response to the sudden action. Then I opened the tent door and walked inside and set her down in front of the bed, while a small smirk started to spread on my face with her reaction to my next move.

- Y/N POV -

When Peter put me down my tail bone was against the edge of the bed, then Peter turned around so his back facing me. then Peter slowly made his way over to the door and grabbed the key in from inside his pocket and locked the door.

Ok . . ? I guess that I am not leaving.

After locking the door with the key Peter put the key up on top of the dresser (where I can't reach) and waved his hand in front of the door and green magical force field was in front of the door, keeping me inside with a lustful looking Peter Pan.

Well I am definitely not leaving now.

Then Peter turned around again on his heels and strutted over to me, so now we are nose to nose. And he has his signature smirk plastered on his face the whole time.

"Guess what?" I asked in the more seductive voice I could manage, then his smirk got even bigger while he ask "What darling?"

Then out of nowhere I was behind him and leaning against the door to the tent. "I want to play a game." Peter whipped his head around to face me and look impressed.

"What game darling?" Peter asked changing his shocked expiration into a smirk once more.

"Can we play hide and seek again? It was very fun last time, the Lost Boys can play too and whoever has the most point's in the end will make the first move." I say while slowly making my way over to Peter so once again we are nose to nose, but this time we are BOTH smirking like crazy.

"Alright love."

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now