Meeting An Old Friend

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- Y/N POV -

The boys and I walk for a few meters until we are out of sight for the camp, I set Simon down on the ground and watch as the other boys sat down, leaning against trees. I was about to sit down when I heard some rustling coming from behind me, I whip around and grab my sword.

"Boys get behind me," I tell them, the boys listened to me and hid behind me as I slowly backed up as close as possible to a tree without hurting one of the boys. After more rustling, I see a woman with short dark brown hair standing there with her bow raised and her arrow carrier has three arrows left. She slowly walks closer to us.

"Y/n?" She asks, I narrow my eyes at her. Tightening my grip on my sword, I hear more rustling behind Snow and a few seconds later a man is standing behind her.

"Who are you?" I hiss, and my other hand wraps around the boys. Protecting them from any arrows that might be aimed towards any of us.


Is this her? Hooks daughter, the daughter that he would never stop talking about once he got to Story Brook. He described her so well that I could imagine what she looked like just from his description, but she seems different.

"Y/n, your father is here," I tell her, her eyes narrow more and her grip on her sword tightens, she seems ready for a fight if she needs to.

"My father?" She asks, I nod my head while slowly lowering my bow. Charming looks at me worriedly, he raises his sword at her, and her attention moves towards him for a few seconds before moving it back towards me. She chuckles, "My father left me here, why is he here?"

"He was working on a plan to get you back," I tell her.

"You're lying," She tells me.

"Well, he wasn't working on the plan the entire time but he wants you to come home with us. Y/n, you're not meant to be here, you're meant to be with your father back in Story Brook," I tell her again, she laughs at me.

"Why do I not believe that?" She asks, raising a brow, pointing her sword at me like it's a stick.

"Because she's lying," Another voice says.


I lead the older Lost Boys towards the intruders, in a little opening in the woods stood Hook, Rumple, Emma, Snow White, Prince Charming, Regina, and Baelfire. I signal the boys to slowly surround them, they do as silently as possible.

I change my clothes to what Henry was wearing and stand between two trees with my back facing the group, more footsteps can be heard before Emma calls out.

"Henry!" She calls, I turn around with a smirk on my face.

"Hi Emma," I say, she and the rest of her group raise their weapons.

"Where the hell is Henry?" Emma asks

"You broke the rules. That's not fair. Bad form. I expect more from you, Captain," I tell them as I walk up a mini hill.

"Aye, and you'll get it," He response

"Give Henry to me," Emma says

"Sorry, can't. Don't you know? Cheaters never win," I say before the boys reveal themselves and aim their weapons at the group, arrows all coted in dreamshade, torches in hands, and swords at the ready.

"Watch out for their arrows, they're coated in dreamshade," Hook said before the boys let go and the arrows went flying.


I whistle and the boys come running back to my side, I stand in front of them and notice that Snow White and Prince Charming have disappeared during the fight.

"Remember what I told you. That map will show you where Henry is, only when you stop denying who you really are. I'll make sure to send Henry your regards," I tell them, I walk towards Emma when I say the last bit before I back up and look towards Hook. "I'll do the same for Y/n, Hook," I walk away with the boys following behind me until we were out of their sight.

I sense something wrong with Y/n, I make my way towards the area she went to with the younger boys. I teleported there and saw Y/n talking with the missing people in Emma's group.

"Well, he wasn't working on the plan the entire time but he wants you to come home with us. Y/n, you're not meant to be here, you're meant to be with your father back in Story Brook," Snow White says, Y/n laughs at her.

"Why do I not believe that?" Y/n asks, raising a brow, pointing her sword at Snow White.

"Because she's lying," I say, Y/n, Snow White, and the younger Lost Boys look in my direction.

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