You What

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- Y/N POV -

Hook used a bean to get back to 'Storybrooke' and I'm still kidnapped by my own father, I can't believe him. Henry wasn't his child, why did he care about us killing Henry? He can't be attracted to his birth mother... can he? No way! No way in hell is my Dad, Captain Hook, attracted to the 'saviour' that's bull shit!

"What are you thinking about?" Dad asked, I looked up at him and glared. He sighs and starts talking about how it was a good thing that he got me out of Neverland, saying that Peter is a demon and how if he didn't get me out of there I would have been killed.

"Could you just shut up for like three seconds?" I snarl, he looks at me with shock and anger. Slowly he stands from his kneeling position in front of me.


"YOU WHAT!" I yell, storms are forming in the clouds and thunder can be heard from the other side of the island, the wind blowing left and right. Amar says quietly, looking at the ground as he tries to hide what he just told me.

"I fell asleep... and when I woke... she wasn't there..." He whispers and I'm tempted to rip his heart out of his chest but then I remember what Y/n told me.

"One: you're not allowed to kill the other Lost Boys without talking to me about it and we both agree with who you're killing. And two: I want you to cheer me up,"

She'll never know... but one of the Lost Boys might tell her and she'll leave me. I think to myself, I start to pace before deciding to come up with a plan.


We've been going over the plan over and over, making sure if anyone else is taken hostage it'll be Amar and he knows his place now.

We walk down the main street through the main part of 'Storybrooke', the Lost Boys keeping on my tail with their weapons at the ready. We keep walking until we see a sign that says 'Mr. Gold Pawnbroker Antiquities Dealer', there's a sign on the door that says that they're closed, I turn to Felix and he breaks the window. I reach through the broken window and unlock the door, pushing it out of the way and walking past the counter.

Felix on my right and Devin on my left, we see some old friends talking in the back of the store. I smirk, hiding my worry as we stand in front of Rumpelstiltskin, the saviour, the evil queen, and the other people who invaded Neverland and tried to save Henry.

"Peter Pan," Rumpelstiltskin said, a woman walks through the backdoor of the shop and rushes to his side, grabbing onto his arm and she places her head on his shoulder.

"Rumple, who is this?" She asked, looking at him.

"The one who killed my grandson," He said and my smirk grew, although killing him was not what Y/n would have wanted but they kidnapped her so now I don't feel bad about killing him.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now