Lost Boys

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- Y/N POV -

"Hey where is Dad?" I asked, walking up the ladder and onto the main deck, the crew is in one big group, whispering to each other.

No response.

Maybe he is inside his room, I went to check but when I opened the door, he was not there. So I walked back out of the room and went back to the main deck and asked again in case the crew did not hear me.

"Where is Dad....?"

Again, no response.

"Guys...?" They all turn their attention to me, "Where. Is. Dad?" I ask, pronouncing each word specifically and getting annoyed that none of them - NOT ONE - is answering my question. I ask one more time but this time with fear instead of anger.

"W-Where is D-Dad?"

"We do not know..." One of them says.

"After we left to find the flower, which we were unsuccessful at, we did not see him again," Another one answers.

"Ok then..." I sigh not wanting to do this, but it's what Dad would want, "Let's go look for him-" They all cheer before letting me finish, "BUT someone has to stay with me to make sure that none of the Lost Boys of Pan himself come on this ship. Got it?"

Some say 'Eye-eye' or 'Got it'. Trafalgar D. Water Law decided to stay with me because, he thinks that he is 'The Best of the Best' I doubt that, but, he is one of the only people on the ship that my Dad will let take care of me, without him needing to worry.

It's been around 20 mins since the crew went looking for Dad. I am starting to get bored so I look over to see mermaids in the distance. Let's hope that they don't come over here.

I let out a loud sigh, trying to get Trafalgar's attention. But it does not work. So I look over my shoulder to see Trafalgar fighting young boys with cloches and hoods. When all of a sudden one with short blonde hair and a hood comes up to me, takes out a piece of paper looks at the paper then looks at me.

And Says "Gotcha" with a smirk on his face.

"This is her,"

Then all of the boys look over at me then the one with blonde hair and then everything went black.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now