I Missed You *

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- Y/N POV -

Where is he? He said he would be back by now, did they get him? I hope not, but... what if they did? What if they're torturing him? What if they never let him go? What if-

"Little Lost Girl~" I hear a familiar voice say, warm arms wrap around my waist and the person rests their head on my shoulder. I sigh in relief, resting my head on their shoulder, I look at them in the corner of my eye.

"Peter," I whisper, turning around and pulling him in for a deep kiss. He happily excepts the affection, tightening his grip on my waist while I bring my hands to his neck and play with his hair. "I missed you," I mutter when we pull back from the kiss, our foreheads pressed against one another.

"I missed you too, love," Peter whispered back, pecking my lips. Teleporting us back to our hut, pulling my shirt up and over my head, he smirks down at me when I feel his cold hands on my warm back.

"Love?" I ask, Peter looks at me, "Why are your hands cold?"

"I don't know, darling," Peter answers, I nod. Peter throws my shirt into a corner somewhere in the hut, I chuckle when Peter tries to pull my pants down but fails.

Did he forget the bow that's keeping my pants from falling? 'Cuz, they were his before, I just added a string to make sure it doesn't fall when I'm doing training with the boys.

"Darling~" Peter whines, I chuckle and look at him with a smile.


"Why won't it come off?" Peter whines once more, I bring my hands to the bow in front of my abdomen, undoing the string and the pants loosen before falling to the floor. Peter's eyes widen when he sees I'm now just in my undergarments, I chuckle, bringing Peter to the bed.

"Now, it's your turn," I say, doing the same for Peter's clothes.

"Me," Peter says, I chuckle at his cuteness.

"What about you, darling?" I ask, Peter flips us over, his hands on my chest, his legs straddling my waist, and his lips so devilishly close to mine.

"My turn," Peter whispers, smashing his lips onto mine, his hands roaming over my body as he grinds his covered cock on my covered core. I moan into the kiss, I can feel Peter smirk as he grabs my nape with one hand, and my waist with the other.

"P-Peter~, more... please~" I whine, bucking my hips, wanting more friction.

"You get what I give you," Peter answers, I whine more only to be pulled off the bed and have my lips smash back into Peter's.

"P-" I started, but got interrupted.

"Pan, how did it go?" I heard Felix ask from behind the door, I groan along with Peter as he gets up from the bed. Grabbing a shirt on the way before opening the door, I cover myself with the blanket while Peter does that.

"Fine," Peter answers, looking at me longingly, I smirk at him.

"Y/n, did you keep all the younger Lost Boys safe?" Devin asked, I pulled the blanket over my head while answering.


"None of them got hurt?" Devin asked again, I groaned, rolling over under the blanket.

"Why do you care, Devin?"

"Because they are-" I hear the door shut, Peter must have gotten tired of the conversation. I hear footsteps walk towards the bed, then the bed shifts, I feel Peter move back over my body before pulling the blanket off my body.

"Annoying, they are really annoying," Peter says, I chuckle and pull him down for a kiss. The kiss is filled with passion and longing.

"I agree, shall we get started?" I ask, flipping us over, leaning my head closer to his. Peter chuckles, biting his bottom lip, knowing how that makes me feel.

"Didn't we already?"

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