Human-Sized Stuffy

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"And you should not think that you are not worthy of me." I moved back up to her and kissed her as passionately as I could, trying to show her physically if telling her was not enough. "Is that enough proof you need?"

"M-maybe," I chuckle and finish my round of sex with her.

- Y/N POV -


I woke up with my arms wrapped around my human-sized stuffed animal, and a chin resting on my head. I nuzzled my nose into the crook of its neck, I sigh in content while tightening my grip.

"You're I hard stuffy," I mumbled then, I heard a chuckle and I felt warm lips press against my head. I smiled and cuddled closer.

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" My stuffy asked

"Well, for being my human-sized stuffy it's an insult. But for being dominant in the bed it's a compliment," I murmured

"My little Lost Girl, what would you like to do today?" Peter asked, rolling over onto his back and pulling me onto his chest.

"I kinda wanna go to the waterfall," I said while pushing my hands against his chest, and cradling his waist. Peter took my arms and laid them on either side of his face, then he leaned up and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss, Peter chuckled against my lips. I pulled away and started laughing like hell, Peter pulled me back down into another kiss after I stopped laughing.

After our little moments on the bed, Peter and I made our way outside and to the main camp. Once we made it, most of the boys were in different groups. For example, all the young Lost Boys were in a little group (especially because there are only 7 young Lost Boys), Felix and Devin, and about 2 other groups of the older boys.

"Hey guys," I said while walking into the camp with my hand intertwined with Peter's. Once I said that all of the attention was on me. "Would you guys like to go to the waterfall, and spend some time there?"

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