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"Gladly." I said with my signature smirk still on my face, I grabbed the underwear that I picked. Of course the underwear can be easily ripped if I feel like fucking her on our trip, but I doubt that will happen on it, maybe after though. My smirk widened at the thought.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked, I turned to face her and answered her question.

"How did you put it?" I asked then pretended to think of he right words then finished my sentence. "Dressing you." I said with the smirk glued to my face. Y/n's eyes widened and looked scared for a few minutes.

Not scared for her life, per say, but is probably scared if she does something wrong and accidently makes me mad.

"What?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"N-nothing." Y/n lied, my smirk grew and I walked over to her. But not after I grabbed the other clothes. Of course I was not going to dress her, but I was going to watch as she dresses herself.

I made my way over to the bed with Y/n's clothes that I chose in one of my hands. Y/n looked at me and her expiration changed from nervous to confusion. I chuckled and threw the clothes on the bed.

"W-what are you doing?" Y/n stuttered, I chuckled again and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Y/n smiled and giggled. She seems to like little gesture I did.

"Did you really thing that I was doing to dress you?" I joked

"Yea." Y/n said in a nervous voice.

"Well, if I did I think you would probably make it difficult. But I AM going to watch as you dress your self." I said with a smirk, Y/n blushed.

"O-ok." Y/n said with her nervous tone still there. I backed up and leaned against the door. Y/n grabbed the clothes and quickly got dressed, she looked over to me when she was done. I frowned when she finished getting dressed.

"Aw man, I liked the show." I pouted, Y/n walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then she gave me a hug. I acknowledged her little gesture and returned it, when Y/n pulled away from the hug she smiled up at me and said "We should probably get going, the Lost Boys are probably wondering were we are." I smiled and nodded.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now