Do I Deserve You? *

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"You want more, don't you Peter?" Y/n asked threw her moans, I nodded against her neck in response. Y/n nodded, too tired for words but she knew how much I wanted to give her pleasure.

"May I?" I asked looking back into her eyes, she nodded allowing me to have as much fun with her as I wish. I went back to massaging her breasts, as I slowly lead my lips up her skin. My kisses were all out of hunger and greed, I just wanted to claim her again and not want to share with the Lost Boys or let them look in her direction. Her moans were delectable, delicious breasts are amazing.

Y/n curled up a bit, I looked at her as my brows furrowed together with concern. She pushed her legs together while I was trying to uncurl her body. "What's wrong, love?" I asked still trying to unfold her body but somehow she keeps folding herself.

"I-I don't t-think I am worth y-you," She stuttered, still curling herself.

"What do you mean?" I asked my brows furrowed together even more as I sat in front of her with my nervousness escalating to an extreme.

"I-I am n-not worthy of y-y-your attention," She started to cry, I picked her up by her waist and set her down on her back. She gently wrapped her legs around my waist, I pulled her closer to me so her core was right under my belly button and my legs were crossed under her ass.

I sigh as I bend over and twist her nipples for a few minutes before I decided to lift her spirits with words instead. "You, my little Lost Girl are the most remarkable girl in the world." I gently kissed her lips and went on. "Your rosy cheeks are adorable," I kissed both of them then I continued. "Your lush lemonade-pink lips are so soft," I kissed her lips once more. "Your neck is delicious," I started to kiss her neck and make light marks, she moved her head back, giving me more room to make those light bite marks and butterfly kisses. "Your breasts are the perfect shape and size," I squeezed her breasts lightly and made light purple marks around her nipples, and she moaned quietly. "And you should not think that you are not worthy of me." I moved back up to her and kissed her as passionately as I could, trying to show her physically if telling her was not enough. "Is that enough proof you need?"

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now