I'm All Yours *

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After a few more rounds Peter had 3 points and I had 4 points. It was now dark outside and the boys and I are getting tired, after the 7th round Peter told the boys to go to bed. On our way back I said "Sooo, guess who will be making the first move?" Peter just smirked, then teleported us to our hut, then I slammed him against the wall with my hands on each side of Peter.

"My time to shine, Never Peter." He just chuckled

"Go on ahead, darling." Peter said, then I smashed my lips on his and felt him smirk into the kiss, and chuckle while doing so. After a few minutes just kissing Peter's lips were not enough, then I moved down to his neck receiving a few quiet moan's but was still enough for me to here.

- NOW -


When Y/n started to move down to my neck, I started to moan quietly still just enough for Y/n to hear but not the rest of Neverland. While moaning my eyes were closed and my head was tilted back just enjoying the feeling of Y/n's lips on my neck, then the next thing I knew I could not feel my shirt anymore but I could feel something softer than the walk against my back. When I opened my eyes I and looked around I saw that I was on my bed, with Y/n straddling me with no shirt on, so I let my eyes trailed down and also notice that she was taking her bra off. Then she smirked, and laughed at my shocked expression with how big her breasts are. After running her hands over my abs, kissing my neck and lips. I decided to take control, and please her, so I tackled her so now I am straddling her. Now I see that she has a shocked expression but not because I am shirtless but because of the fast action and the quick change of spots.

"It's my turn, darling." I said with a smirk on my face, and she blushed. She must like the nickname's I give her because, when I say them to her she almost always blush's.

"I'm all yours." Y/n said with a smirk.

"Then let's get started." I said then I smashed my lips on hers and used my left hand to massage her right breast and she started to moan quietly. As I moved my way down to her neck with my lips, her moans slowly got louder and louder, and more and more satisfying for me. Then I let my right hand work on her left breast, she moan's once more, making my smirk grow.

"Peter~" Y/n whines, I look up at her and stop with my hand and lips.

"Yes, darling?" I ask looking a little concerned that I might have done something wrong.

"Are you teasing me?" She asked, I smirked and rubbed each her breast with each of my hands -- one hand per breast -- as my worries washed away.

"Do you want me to stop pleasing you darling?" I asked as I heard her moan once more with pleaser.

"What do you think I meant when I said 'I'm all yours'?" I smirked remembering what she meant by that and what she and I both unquestionably want. Then I moved my hands down to the rim of her pants/shorts (whichever you perfer), and slowly pulling them down with her underwear. My eyes flickered from her eyes, to her lips, to her pussy. Then I took off my pants and my boxers and saw her eyes flicker from my eyes, to my lips, to my dick.

- Y/N POV -

He is so BIG how is he suposed to fit in me?!?!


I laughed when I saw Y/n's shocked expression.

"Is someone nervous?" I asked

"Um . . .y- . . n- . . . maybe?" she asked more than stated. I let my hands lightly over her neck then down her chest, then her stomatch, then down her legs, when she gasps in suprised.

"Let me ask you something darling, have you ever done this before?" I asked, she shaked her head in response and blushed slightly.

"Looks like I get to have some fun." I said

"Were you not having fun before?" Y/n asked looking concerned, I chuckled in response and said "I always have fun with you my love." Now her face is as red as it could posibly be. I looked down at her clint and let my hand move down there, I smirked when I realized how wet she is.

"Darling you are so wet." I cooed, then she got wetter, my smirk only grew by the second.

After making her blush even more I moved my left hand to her waist and moved my right hand to her clint once more, and messaged it reseving a moans from my love.

"You want more love?" I asked, she nodded in resopnse.

"Say it~" I cooed

"It." Y/n said with a little smirk, making me chuckle.

"Say you want more." I said her.

"ok, ok, I want more." Y/n said me.

"Beg, darling, beg." I said as I put a little more pressure on Y/n's clit, then she moaned while saying "Please, Peter~, Please, I want more~." I smirked while hers disapered and her head was tilted back against the pillow.

Then I slipped one finger into her, and she let out a long moan. When I slipped another inside she moaned again but this time louder and for a longer time. When I felt that she was wet enough and stretched out enough I slowly took my fingers out, and she whined "Peter I want more~, please~" I chuckled and lined myself up at her entrence. And just put the tip in, deciding that I wanted to tease her.

"Peter~" She whined once more, I chuckled in response in put 2 more inches in and she moaned and grabbed my shoulders and pulled me tarwards her making me go further into her.

"Y/n, you tricky little Lost Girl." I said with a smirk on my face and shaking my head a little. Y/n just smiled while giggling at me calling her a lost girl.

"What can I say Never Peter, I always have at least one trick up my sleeves." She said turning her smile into a smirk. Then out of a sudden I thrusted deeper into her, and she gasped making me smile when she started to outline the muscles on my back.

Once I was fully inside of her, I made a slow but powerful thrusting rythem. As I do said rythem Y/n's nails are digging into my back making me moan allong with her. When I am done thrusting in and out of her, I can tell that she is about to cum.

"Are you sure you want this my love?" I asked, and she just nodded to tired to answer with words, so I nodded and let my seed slip into her. And she smiled when I did it, and I just chuckled and slid my way out of her slowly and be as gentil as possible and flopped down beside her.

At least Neverland know's who Y/n belongs to. I thought with a smirk.

"Good night, my little Lost Girl." I said to Y/n then pulled then pulled the covers over use and scooped her in my grasp so my head was in the crook of her neck and my leg is on top of hers.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now