Red Light, Green Light With A Twist

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- Y/N POV -

After hours of playing 'Mafia', the boys were getting tired of the game and asked me if there was another game that they might like. "I have to think about this," I tell them, they frown and start to yell out games that they have already played.

'Hide and Seek, Tag, Mafia, Truth or Dare.' And that was pretty much the whole list, they usually don't play many games other than the 'Let's go fight some pirates and win'. I think for a few more minutes before I tell them my game.

"Red light, Green Light?" I asked, they looked at me with confused looks, I smile kindly before I explained the game. (I'm going to skip explaining the game this time because last time it took up to many words)

Once I explained the game the older boys looked at me with smirks, but I decided to add a twist to it. Of course, I let Peter pick the twist, not only because he is the leader but I'm not the best at picking punishments for the boys. But sadly he told me that I could pick because he will also play the game.

I sighed, "Fine. If you get seen moving... you will be tickled," I told them, the older boys snickered at my 'punishment', clearly they think they can make it, "And, I will have the younger boys pick who they think they saw moving and who needs to get tickled,"

Their expressions changed when they heard that their fates would be chosen by the younger Lost Boys, I giggle at their reactions. "So, who dares to play?" I tease, of course, most of the boys wanted to play and take their chances.

I walk towards the closest tree and face the boys, I tell them to go to the other end of the camp to have enough time to get at least some of them out of the game. I turn around and call 'Green light' I hear walking and I quickly call 'Red light' while I turn around with a mischievous look on my face.

I scan the group of lined-up boys, some of them have their hands out, some are on one foot while others are just standing by the start line. I see Triston lower his arms a few inches and call him out on it.

"Triston, I saw your arms move, please head to the tickling station. Where my short friends are waiting for you," I tell him, he sighs before slowly walking towards Simon Cubby and the others. I narrow my eyes for a few minutes, still scanning the group of boys before I hear Simon yell out someone's name.

"Devin!!!" Simon yelled, I looked at Devin and saw that he had fallen from his standing position. I laugh as Simon ad Cubby come running to grab Devin and try to pull him from the rest of the boys, but sadly that didn't work. "He's too heavy," Simon complained, I smiled and told him my solution.

"Why not tickle him here?" I suggested, "Since he can't move until I say 'green light' and I'm turned around. He nodded and started to scribble on the sides of Devin's stomach. Devin's eyes widened at Simon's 'intrusion'.

"Hey, Simon? Can I help you?" I ask, the other boys looked frustrated because they have to stay in the position. "The other boys have to stay in their position, so you might as well start tickling him. Plus they might get scared and they might mess up,"

"Yea," Cubby agreed, shaking his head violently. I look at Devin and smirk at his worried look.

"Devin, are you ok with us tickling you in front of all the other boys?" I teased, he shook his head, "Oh, I just saw him move again. Time to start tickling," I continued to tease, I walk over to Devin and sit down on his back. I lightly graze my fingers on his sides, jolted and giggles started to spill from his lips.

After a few more rounds, Felix and Peter are the only ones left. I turn around and call 'Green light', I hear hurried footsteps, I turn around and call 'Yellow light' quickly I called 'Red light'. I see Felix move his leg while I saw Peter lower his arm.

"Aha!" I call out to them, I chuckle as Peter and Felix are still standing but I smirk. "Hey, boys! How many of you would like to know where your leader is ticklish?" I ask, I hear all of the boys' cheer.

"Hang on, little Lost Girl. If you do this, I'll have to put you in one of the cages," Peter warned, I smirk and slowly make my way over to a frozen Peter Pan.


"Hang on, little Lost Girl. If you do this, I'll have to put you in one of the cages," I warned, of course, I'm not going to put her in the cages, but I don't want her to show the boys that I'm ticklish. Although, I think it would be nice to know if Y/n is ticklish.

Y/n smirked and started to slowly make her way towards me, with her hands behind her back. "How about you let me tickle you for a few minutes, then I'll let you... tickle me for a few minutes," Y/n said, I smirked and slowly walked towards her.

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