Games With The Boys

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"What's 'Mafia'?" Felix asked, Y/n smirked.

"It's a fun murder game," Y/n said, I raised my brows.

"We're killing?" Felix asked, Y/n shook her head while answering.

"No. Well yes and no," She started but when she noticed that we were both confused, she motioned for us to follow her to which we did. When Y/n was standing on one of the logs around the fire -trying to look taller probably- she started talking to all of the Lost Boys.

"Who wants to play a new game?" She asked and all of the boys cheered at the question, "The new game is called 'Mafia', how the game works there will be a storyteller -I will be the storyteller first until everybody gets the hang of the game- and the storyteller picks three other roles. The mafia, the detective, and the guardian angel. The mafia's job is to kill everybody without getting caught, the detective's job is to find the mafia and get 'rid' of them by getting everyone else to vote the mafia, lastly, the angel's job is to save people, the angel can save one person per round. All of the roles have to stay a secret, so for example, if I pick Peter to be the mafia, he will need to kill everyone without being found out,"

"Does everyone understand?" She asked, Cubby ran up to her.

"If we are the detective how do we know who is who?" He asked, Y/n giggled and answered his question.

"Well if I put my hand in an 'm' formation then that person is the mafia, if I put my hand in a 'c' then the person is a civilian/Lost Boy, so he doesn't have a role, and if I do a little wing motion then that person is the angel," She explains.

"Now that everyone understands the game, who wants to play?" Y/n asked, all the boys cheered and raised their hands in excitement. She smiled and told them to go in a circle formation.

- Y/N POV -

When all the boys were in a circle, I saw that Peter wasn't in the circle, "Peter, do why aren't you in the circle?" I suggested, he chuckled and joined the circle in between Felix and Simon. "Alright, everyone please close your eyes," The boys did just that.

" Before I pick the roles, please do not think that I'm picking my favourite Lost Boys to get the roles," I said before I started to walk around the circle. "Also I forgot the mention that if I tap you on the head once then you're the mafia, if I tap you twice then you're the detective, if I tap you three times then you're the guardian angel. And when you're dead please lay down, it will make it easier for me to know who is dead and who is alive."

I walked behind Devin and tapped him once, I continued to walk around the circle. I tapped Jake twice and Simon three times. When I finished picking the roles, I walked back into the circle.

"Alright, Mafia, head up," I said, "Please point to who you want to kill," Devin pointed to Felix, I smiled and suppressed a laugh while I nodded then told him to put his head back down.

" Detective, head up," Jake's looked up and opened his eyes, "Please point to who you would like to know about," Jake pointed to Peter, I smirked and put my hand into a 'c', he nodded and lowered his head.

"Lastly, Angel, open your eyes and point to who you would like to save," Simon opened his eyes and pointed to Devin, I smiled and nodded. He lowered his head once more.

"Okay, everybody heads up," All the boys looked up,

"So, one day..." I started, looking around at all the boys. "Peter, Felix and Mathew were walking through the forest when all of a sudden someone shot an arrow with dream shade on it and it hit Felix in the head." Felix frowned a little then laid down on his back.

"Now you guys get to vote who you think killed Felix, let's start with Peter. Peter, who do you think killed Felix?" I asked

"I think Simon killed Felix," Peter smirked, I turned to Simon.

"Simon, please put up one finger," He did just as I said, I smiled then kept asking who thinks who killed Felix. In the end, Triston had the most votes.

"I'm sorry, Triston, you have to go to jail. What were you?" I teased

"I was a civilian," Triston said.


Devin, Peter, Cubby, Simon, and Josh are left in the game. "Alright, everyone heads down," I said, the boys followed my instructions.

"Mafia, head up," I watched as Devin raised his head. While smirking I said, "Who would you like to kill?" He pointed to Peter, my eyes widened and nodded.

"Mafia head down. Since the detective is dead, guardian Angel, head up. Who would you like to save?" Simon pointed to Peter, I smiled in response then told him to lower his head and he did as he is told.

"Alright, everybody heads up," They did as they were told once more, "Josh, Simon, and Peter were swimming in the lake when a mermaid grabbed Peter's ankle, but before Peter started to down. The guardian angel grabbed his hands and pulled him out of the water. Who encouraged the mermaids to drown Peter?" I asked, they looked at each other with suspicious looks.

"I think it's Devin," Simon accused Devin, Cubby points at Devin as well.

"Well, I think it's Simon," Devin points at Simon, "He was to quick to suggest that its me," Josh agrees with him, so Peter has the tie breaker.

A few minutes later Peter points towards Devin, I smirk and asks Devin, "Devin what were you?"

"The mafia," Devin sighs in defeat, I smile and we decide to play again.

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