Thinking Tree - Part 1

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"I'm not lying," Snow said, I chuckled. Slowly walking closer to the group, I place a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"Why would you not lie?" I question, raising a brow.

"Because we have no reason to lie," Charming says, I chuckle.

"Again why not?" Y/n asks, I look at her and see that the boys are hiding behind her. "I can't tell if you are or are not lying, and right now I don't care,"

"Why do you not care?" Snow asks, Y/n smiles warmly but I knew that the smile was fake as did the rest of the boys.

"Because I have a family to take care of," She answers, even though I know that the Lost Boys are like her brothers, I still feel the need to show that she's mine. "And I have a boyfriend that I need to make sure that he stays in line,"

"Who's the 'boyfriend'?" Charming asks, Y/n looks at me and smirks then looks back at Charming. I wrap my arm around her waist once I knew that they weren't here for a fight.

"THE BLOODY DEMON!?!" I hear coming from the left, I un-wrapped my arm around her waist and raise my blade.

"YES, THE BLOODY DEMON!" Y/n replies, yelling towards the bush. Hook reveals himself from the bush and the boys hide closer to me, not excited for the pirate. "BECAUSE AT LEAST HE AND THE REST OF THE LOST BOYS CARE ABOUT HOW I'M FEELING AND WHERE I AM!!"

"I CARE ABOUT... a-about..." Hook starts but Y/n interrupts him.

"That's right, you left me here. Thinking that I was in the boat I presume...? And how do we know that you guys actually care for Henry? You guys are probably using him, you know... because he's the savior,"

"Yes, I thought you were in the boat. But we are not using Henry," Hook sighs then sound defensive over Henry, Y/n bends down and she picks up Cubby while she grabs Simon's hand and leads the boys (along with Henry) away from here.

- Y/N POV -

I walk with the boys towards the camp, all of the other Lost Boys are there and have a few scrapes and bruises on each boy. I place Cubby down on the ground and let go of Simon's hand, then slowly walk towards my thinking tree, just like Peter I also have a thinking tree but I allowed the boys to interrupt me if they need to.

I look up at the tree and think, I could teleport up the tree or I could climb the tree... I'm going to climb the tree, that seems more dangerous.

I reach up and grab the closest tree branch, usually I sit on the ground with my back resting against the tree but today I want to look over the camp. I keep climbing the tree until I am successfully able to look over all of the camp, I smile as I watch the boys help each other.

"You taught them well," I hear a voice say under me, I look down at the younger boys who are gathering dry sticks that are lying around the camp.

"I only taught them how to use the aid kits," I say looking down at my boyfriend that is leaning against the tree.

"And you taught them some other tricks with their swords, helped make better meals for us, brought more life to the island, and more," Peter says looking up at me. "You also, showed me what it's like to love, and care,"

"Well, it wasn't that hard to show you how to love, or make love," I said, Peter smirked.

"Can I join you up there?" Peter asks, I nod my head and move farther on the branch, knowing that the branch will stay up. Peter climbs up the tree and rests against the tree, wrapping his arms around my waist he then pulls my back against his chest as we look over our Lost Boys.

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