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- Y/N POV -

I woke up to sounds of quiet snores, from above me and felt warm breath against my bare chest. I smiled and started to play with Peter's hair, twirling it, lightly pulling at it, then I delicately rested my hands on his head.

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door and Peter stirred a little, I sighed then carefully wiggled my way out from under Peter. I grabbed Peter's shirt from the night before and quickly put it on, then made my way to the door hoping that I won't step on anything that might make noise. The shirt I'm wearing is just long enough that it's covering anything inappropriate, Peter told me once before, that I have to be wearing all clothes to see the boys.

When I made it to the door, I slowly opened the door and saw Felix, Devin, Simon standing there. A smile on Simon's face but smirks on both Felix and Devin's faces.

"What?" I asked in a sweet but quiet voice, hoping not to wake the slumbering Peter Pan. I open the door a little more and slither my way out of the tent, when I did all eyes were on me. "Sorry, Peter's sleeping and I don't wanna wake him," I whisper again the boy's nod.

"Simon wanted to see how you were doing because he heard you screaming last night," Felix said in a smug voice, my eyes widen while I look down at Simon.

"Y-y-you heard me what?" I asked again, hoping that I just heard wrong, Devin came closer to me but still kept a good distance because he knows that if Peter came in and he was too close he would get punished.

"Our little friend, Simon here heard you screaming last night and was hoping that you're ok," Devin clarifies, pointing to Simon when he said his name. I blush and knelt in front of Simon.

"I'm fine Simon, you don't have to worry about me," I said to Simon, then he smiles and runs off back to the younger boys, I get back up and turned around facing the door, "My legs hurt a little bit, though," I whisper, I hear Felix and Devin snicker as I open the door and enter Peter and my tent.

When I closed the door again, I leaned against the door and sighed in relief. I heard stirring coming from the corner of the room, which coincidentally has the bed I make my way over to it and lay down next to Peter again.

"Who was at the door," Peter asked in a tired voice while wrapping his arms around me, I giggled at Peter's behaviour.

"Felix, Devin, and Simon," I whispered, then climbed onto Peter. He smiled and nuzzled into my hair his arms protectively staying around my body.

"What did they want?" Peter asked into my head, I giggled.

"Simon heard me last night and wanted to see if I was ok, Felix and Devin were there to just rub it in. And why are you so tired today?" I asked in a joking tone, I felt Peter chuckle into my hair.

"I don't know," Peter answered, pulling closer to him.

"If you want, I can play games with the boys?" I suggested, Peter groaned as a response. "Or I could stay here with you?"

"I prefer the second option," Peter grumped

"But the boys need something to do today,"

"Then they can find something to do," Peter kept pulling me closer (if that was even possible at the moment).

"Peter," I said, he sighed while getting up into a sitting position with me on his lap, facing him.

"Fine, since we have enough food and there are no pirates on the island. We can play games today," Peter started, I pulled Peter into a hug. When we pulled away Peter said the conditions, "BUT, you have to stay with me the whole day,"

I smiled and pulled Peter in for a kiss and he happily accepted the affection. When the kiss ended, I was about to get up from my spot on Peter when he pulled me back in for another kiss, I smiled into the kiss and Peter climbed on top of me. When we pulled back he said, "Let's get dressed and go to the boys," I nodded and we did just that.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now