New Location - Part 2

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- Y/N POV -

Once we FINALLY made it to the new location of the camp, the boys started to 'unpack' and 'settle in'. I am glad that Peter asked me to go with the younger Lost Boys, we had some fun. I told jokes, they laughed, as we walked I noticed that Peter was giving me a few glances here and there, which I am guessing is because he wants to make sure that I am still ok. I don't blame him, if I were him I would want him to keep an eye on me.

When everyone was finished 'unpacking', they were talking and hanging out after a long day of walking. Or at least it was a lot of walking for me, and the younger Lost Boys. Usually, when the older Lost Boys when out for training, hunting, or patrol I was usually with the younger Lost Boys playing games or I was telling them stories.

The boys were dancing around the campfire, while Peter was playing his flute. I was humming along but in a quiet tone, so only I could hear it or so I thought. In the corner of my eye, I could see Peter smiling into the flute. I rolled my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out at him, Peter stopped playing his flute and I looked at him.

"What?" Peter asked, I smirked and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Nothing," I said in the most innocent voice, clearly Peter did not believe me. Peter pulled me up, and onto his lap. Then Peter went back to playing his flute, while I was still on his lap.

After a while I was getting a little bit bored and tired, I knew that I was not the only tired person. I could tell that the younger Lost Boys were also getting tired, I got off of Peter and called the younger Lost Boys.

When I had all of the younger Lost Boys in front of me, asked them what they wanted to do. They wanted to go to bed, even without admitting it.

"Boys, you want to go to bed?" I asked

"Can you tell us a story?" Simon asked, I nodded with a smile forming on my face. We headed to a little hut for the young boys.

Once we made it into the hut, I sat against one of the walls, and the boys were cuddled against me leaning against me for support or warmth. I pulled them in closer, not wanting to let go.

"Hey, guys is there a specific story you want me to tell you?" I asked

"The story of Pan! Please~" Simon begged, I laughed and agreed. With that information, I started the story of Peter Pan and his Lost Boys.

"Once upon a time, there was this boy. His name was Peter Pan, Peter Pan lived on an island. But he was all alone, his only friends were the moon and his shadow. So one day Peter decided to get more friends, he asked his shadow to get him some friends."

As I was telling the story, I noticed that the boys were slowly falling asleep one by one, so I kept telling the story.

"When Peter had all of his friends, and he was back on his island he named the group of boys the 'Lost Boys'. Peter went on multiple adventures with his Lost Boys. And they all lived happily ever after."

Once the story was finished, all of the Lost Boys that were laying on me are now asleep. I smiled, and slowly untucked myself from under the boys. After I laid the Lost Boys down one by one, then I exited the hut. The older Lost Boys were all looking at me with smirks on all of their faces, I sighed and went back over to my spot on the log.

They were still staring at me until Peter decided to call it a night, I smiled and went over to Peter. I knew Peter was going to do something, but I did not think that Peter was going to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder.

Just like last time, Peter threw me over his shoulder. I started to protest, kick my legs, and push my hands against Peter's back. The older boys were smirking and snickering as Peter carried me somewhere. Peter opened a door and that's when I noticed that Peter took us back home. He threw me on the bed, Peter closed the door and went back over to me.

"Are you up for it?" Peter asked, seeming to want to have sex with me tonight, but I am too tired to do all of it so I shook my head and answered his question.

"No, not all of it. But maybe just a little," I answer. Peter knows that if I say 'not all of it' I mean not having to take off anybody's pants. But he also knows that I still want to be pleased, so he will do as must as he needs to, to become satisfied while still listening to my commands.

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