Not All Of It *

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"Are you up for it?" Peter asked, seeming to want to have sex with me tonight, but I am too tired to do all of it so I shook my head and answered his question.

"No, not all of it. But maybe just a little," I answer. Peter knows that if I say 'not all of it' I mean not having to take off anybody's pants. But he also knows that I still want to be pleased, so he will do as must as he needs to, to become satisfied while still listening to my commands.

- NOW -


When Y/n said 'not all of it' I knew exactly what she meant by that. I went back over to her and slowly took her shirt off, allowing her to stop me at any time. When I knew exactly how much she wanted and how much I could do to still satisfy my needs, I started to have fun.

I stared at her for a few minutes, just enjoying her body. Y/n noticed my stare and started to blush, I moved closer to her and she moved backward until her back was against the headboard. I leaned my head closer to hers and whispered in her ear. "Are you ready, little Lost Girl?" She nodded in response but seemed to be a little bit nervous.

"Are you sure?" I whispered again, Y/n nodded. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her then I unclipped her bra.

I threw her bra off and out of the way, then I kissed her hunger, passion, and excitement all wrapped in it. I started to massage her breasts and she moaned into the kiss, I smirked and continued to massage her breasts with my hands.

I was craving more and more as I kissed her lips. I outlined her jawline with my tongue, I moved my mouth down to her neck. I let out a shaky breath, still trying to control myself, Y/n noticed and started to take off my shirt. I helped her do that and started to hungrily kiss her neck, Y/n moaned in response.

"You want more, don't you Peter?" Y/n asked threw her moans, I nodded against her neck in response. Y/n nodded, too tired for words but she knew how much I wanted to give her pleasure.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now