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(Sorry for any grammar problems, enjoy)


"Hello Emma," I say, opening my eyes and see can the whole 'gang' with their weapons at the ready.

"More importantly, where is Y/n," Hook demanded, I look between the two and watch as they start arguing.

"What do you mean 'more importantly'?!? Henry is more important than Y/n! We'll come back for her later, we need Henry NOW!" Emma yelled, I scoff at her stupidity.

"Your little Henry can wait. He's waited for you so save him before, hasn't he?" Hook argued back, as the two bantered back and forth, I saw a figure hiding behind a tree.

"I can't deal with this, Henry could be being tortured right now," Regina stepped in, glaring at Hook.

"As could Y/n," Hook argued back.

"Henry still has a life to live!"

"Y/N IS YOUNGER THAN HENRY!" Hook yells I chuckle. They have been here for how long? And they are still at each other's throats, I think to myself.

"True, but I have an easier life on Neverland than him," A familiar voice says, I look at the tree once more and see Y/n standing with her sword in her hands.

"Y/N!" Hook yells, she smiles at him. She walked toward him and hugged him, "I've missed you, little pirate,"

"I've missed you too, Dad. But I am not leaving Neverland, although thanks for worrying about me," Y/n said, I teleported behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"What...?" Hook asked in disbelief, she walks out of my grip and holds his hands.

"I love you, Dad, but I also love Peter. And I have to take care of the boys, and make sure Peter doesn't kill one of them," She tells him. His expression changed when he heard that she loves me, "I know that you don't like that I love Peter, but I don't control my-" She got cut off.

"You're not in control?!? Does he have you under mind control?!?" Hook asked, pulling her into his grasp.

"No! No! He doesn't, he has my heart-" Y/n started again before getting interrupted again.

"HE HAS YOUR HEART!?!" Hook yelled, I sighed.

"No, I don't," I say, he glares at me.


"No, he doesn't, not physically at least. But he has me wrapped around his finger,"


"Ok, I can't- I can't prove my love in a metaphor statement," Y/n sighs, I smirk while chuckling and shaking my head.

"Let me try," I said, but I was pushed against a tree.

"You won't say a word," Regina hissed, a fireball emerging in her opposite hand.

"Please let go of him," Y/n sighed, getting out of her father's grip.

"No," Regina said, and Emma agreed, along with Snow and Charming.

"Get. Your. Hands. Off. Him." Y/n grit, Charming and Snow grabbed both of her wrists. She tugged at her arms, the wind pulling her in the direction she wanted to go. But Regina didn't remove her hand against my chest, Y/n tugged once more and her force was strong enough to break through their grasps.

"I said, HANDS OFF!" She stormed over to me and Regina, she pushed Regina out of the way and used her wind to push her farther. Regina was flung against a tree and the tree fell to the ground. Y/n wrapped her arms around my waist and nuzzled her nose in the crook of my neck, I wrap my arms around her shoulders.

"Hey little pirate, I don't know why I didn't realize this until now but, why aren't you wearing pants...?" Hook asked, Y/n looked at him.

"I heard yelling and came over, I knew that it wasn't the boys because only Felix and Peter are up this late at night," Y/n answered, wiggling back into my grasp.

"Mmm, little Lost Girl," I whispered into her ear, "Why didn't you listen to me?"

"You didn't say 'stay in bed, I will return' you said 'goodnight little Lost Girl'," Y/n said logically, I chuckle then looked back at the group.

"Why do you want Henry?" Y/n asked, and they all looked at her.

"What do you mean?" Snow asked, Y/n looked at her and answered her question.

"Well, he is perfectly happy here, and-" Y/n was interrupted by Charming.

"Pan is going to use Henry's heart all for himself, just so that he can live forever," Charming said, Y/n glared at him.

"As I was saying, Henry is happy here on Neverland and he is willing to save Neverland. Also, Peter is not just 'using it for himself' he is doing it for all of Neverland, so stop trying to 'un-brainwash' me," Y/n said, sounding tired and annoyed.

"Are you tired, little Lost Girl?" I asked, she looked at me and nodded. I look back at the group and say, "If you don't mind, I and my darling are going to bed,"



"Don't even-"

As we went back into camp, we heard the group's confused words before we made it back to our hut and into bed.

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now