Strangle Her

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- Y/N POV -

I sat in my room, my arms tied to the bed frame with a plate full of food on my nightstand. The door opens and Hook enters with the Savior standing next to him.

I've decided to parental alienation with Hook, I don't want him to be my Dad anymore, I don't need him nor does he need me. I know about parental alienation because some of the Lost Boys did it to their parents, it's when a child rejects a parent without good cause. I think my Dad kidnapping me from my new home is a good reason, but he might think differently.

"Hello, Y/n," Hook says, grabbing two chairs from the other side of the room, bringing them to the end of my bed, and placing them down.

"Wow," I say sarcastically, "I'm not even 'Hookette' anymore? Rude Jones," I glare at him, I may be chained to my bed with no way to un-tie the chains but I know that Peter is coming for me.

"Your so-called boyfriend is here for you along with his little followers," Hook snarled, his eyes narrowing when he said 'boyfriend' and 'followers', why doesn't he like the Lost Boys? They're like his crew, except the Lost Boys are younger and have more fighting skills.

"Peter's here?" I asked, my eyebrows stitching together.

"Yeah..." Emma said, I looked over at her with a bored expression.

"I didn't ask you, Mrs. Hook," I growl, smirking angrily at her and she slowly stands from her chair, she walks behind it and I chuckle darkly at her. "Aww, are you scared, Mrs. Hook? I promise not to hurt you- wait, it's not nice to lie to adults, is it? Boohoo,"

I see a shadow move in the corner of my eye, my smirk widens and my eyes darken.


Peter stands in the shadows, a smirk on his face when he sees a massive wave heading towards the neighbourhood. The wave is at least twenty feet tall, the wind is blowing in all directions, and the ground started moving under some of the buildings.

Emma turns to Hook, grabbing his wrist and bringing him out of the room. Once the door closed, Peter took his chance and stepped out of the shadows, a smirk present on his face when he sees his girlfriend tied to her bed.

On the other side of the door, Hook and Emma are talking- well whispering back and forth, trying to come up with a plan, each plan Emma comes up with Hook shoots down 'cuz he knows his daughter and she will not break that easily.

"What if we strangle her until she obliges?" Emma suggests, Hook looked at her as if she was crazy.

"Strangle her? 'Ave you have gone mad? I may be angry with 'er but I ain't gonna strangle 'er!"

Hookette or Lost Girl  (Peter Pan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now