The Unlucky Adventurer

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[Annoying Stranger]


I'm back



Oh, hello!

I'm Bennett, and you are?

[Annoying stranger]

Y/n, nice to meetcha Benny boy~


Huh, already got a nickname even though we just met?


[Annoying Stranger]

That, and I'm piss poor with names.



Don't worry, take your time!

I'm sure you'll get it eventually.

[Annoying Stranger]

Oh, don't worry, Thanks to the name I shouldn't forget.

But like- Benny boy is a cute name.


Well, it isn't the worst thing that's happened to me...

[Annoying Stranger]

If we get closer I'm absolutely calling you it.



Alright, I don't mind

[Annoying Stranger]

holy mother of FRICK

You're adorable.

I'm keeping you.


haha okay 😅

[Annoying stranger]

Anyways, tell me bout yourself?

I'm bored and don't wanna do my algebra homework.


Hm, well.

I'm Bennett, as said before.

I'm an adventurer in Monstadt.

Wait, that's the name of this chat...

uh- A-anyways!

I'm very unlucky, but that's okay

Just gotta do what you can


[Annoying Stranger]

Yeah, Ik the feeling...

But you don't seem like the type who did something bad for

shitty karma.




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