Dragged into Plot

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As agreed upon the group met the next night, Y/n was the second to last person to show up. "Hey," she greeted walking in the door and sitting down at the barstool next to Venti. 

Jean wasn't very surprised that Y/n had been somehow caught up in the plan, "Hello, Y/n." she replied calmly, somewhat hoping that Y/n wouldn't question why the acting grandmaster was roped into this mess. Diluc had just acknowledged her with a curt nod, as he continued to wait for the others.

Venti who was eyeing the wine on the shelf behind the counter replied, "Oh, hello Y/n," giving her a quick glance before continuing to daydream about getting his hands on the dandelion wine. Soon after Y/n Aether and Paimon came in, "You're here" he looked back to the final member of the group. 

Jean seemed moderately surprised at who came in, "Wait, you're... Aether?" she spoke surprised at his presence.

Aether seemed just as surprised, "Jean?" he asked slightly confused on why she was here. He half assumed she was here to accuse them of the theft of the Holy Lyre.

Diluc quickly cleared the situation up, "Well, first of all, I contacted more than one person. Secondly, she came here as 'Jean' herself, not as the Acting Grand Master. A Jean you would never see, even as an Honorary Knight." he explained why she was there.

Jean nodded, confirming what he'd said. Though she did comment, "I heard about the Holy Lyre, but I never suspected it was you." before prompting the point of why they were all here, "From what I've been told, the sound of the Holy Lyre can purify Stormterror and return it to normal... Is that true?" she asked looking to the bard, assuming he'd know the most of such things.

Venti nodded, "That's right, Y/n and the Traveller are putting their lives on the line to try and fix this Stormterror issue." he answered, looking back at her from the wine which he'd been ogling. 

"Feels like we're breaking the law though..." Paimon mumbled somewhat guiltily with a small head shake. 

Y/n was quick to point out, "If they arrest us then they'll have to deal with the pissed-off dragon by themselves," assuring Paimon that this was a morally good act. "Plus, if you succeed you'll be deemed a hero, just think, 'Paimon the Dragonslayer'!" she added jokingly.

Venti was quick to shut the idea of hurting Dvalin down, "We won't be killing Dvalin!" he corrected, "The proper term would be 'The Dragon's savior', it has a better ring to it too." he said in an attempt to lead the two away from attempting to kill his pet.

Y/n shrugged, "Slayer, Savior.... same difference, " she joked sarcastically.

Before the two continued to argue their points Diluc cut in, "I understand this is an absurd explanation, but we can ask the bard to-" but he was cut off mid-sentence.

"-I believe you," Jean spoke firmly, causing general shock among those who hadn't played through the game

Diluc, feeling like he hadn't heard her right tried to clarify, "Wait, what?"  with an incredibly perplexed look as he tried to confirm what he'd just heard.

Y/n watched the scene amusedly, commenting, "Welp, that was easy." she shrugged not that surprised by Jean's choice.

Jean decided to explain herself a bit more, " I can't think of any reason for Dvalin's betrayal, given it was once one of The Four Winds. However, if it was poisoned in the battle over Mondstadt all those years ago..." she trailed off thoughtfully. before finishing her thought, "And then corrupted by the Abyss Mage after it woke up — we can't really blame it. But as Acting Grand Master I obviously cannot make such a statement publicly. Diplomatic pressure from the Fatui makes it hard for us to seek a peaceful resolution to the Stormterror issue." she admitted somewhat helplessly shaking her head displeased with the predicament she'd gotten herself into as the Acting Grandmaster. 

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