The Cost To Become a God

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Long before Y/n's body had turned to ash, Y/n had been popped back into pure white space. "well, that was the expected outcome, I say I'd done better than expected..." Y/n hummed cheerfully as she looked around the familiar blindingly white space once more.  

Avieer who had returned to the area once Thoma had returned to the teahouse with the slime. His piercing silver eyes looked down at her as she lay leisurely on what could only be assumed to be the ground.  nodded in agreement. "I'm impressed, if you'd managed to outlive that fireball of yours, you'd have managed to actually defeat Ei."  He spoke in an impressed manner as he conjured a small cozy looking home for the girl to hang out in whilst they waited for her to respawn. 

Y/n giggled happily with the closest thing to praise she was going to get from him. getting up, the two walked into the house.  Y/n plopped down on the plush comfortable couch once inside.  "anyways, back to the guessing game, I guess..." She murmured thoughtfully. as Avieer sat next to her. "Wait, I get a new hint, right?" She asked excitedly. 

The man nodded as a spectral being delivered some snacks and beverages onto the coffee table for them to snack on while they waited. Y/n was unphased by the blurry spectral being, having long gotten used to strange things helping them live comfortably while they stayed in the void. "The letter this time will be 'E'." He stated simply. 

Y/n thought for a moment, recalling the other letter, "O, R, G, and E" she murmured thoughtfully.  "Gore?" She guessed looking to him hopefully.

Avieer shook his head as he poured himself some black coffee, "Nope," He replied calmly as he sipped leisurely at the bitter beverage.

Y/n sighed, as she went back to the drawing boards, "Can I have my journal to write down these names?" She asked. A moment later the journal which had been placed in her inventory appeared before her, dropping onto her lap. quickly scribbling down the incorrect guess, she then continued to guess with the letters available to her, "Ogre, orge oreg..." She started to just list different combinations of the four letters. Once getting through every possible combination, she sighed and asked, "It's more than four letters," She muttered deflated at her realization. 

Avieer who had finished his coffee, glance towards her, "Correct." He answered bluntly. Y/n gave a long sigh as she pouted over her wasted time.  "Don't be too down, if there's anything you have enough of, it's time." He assured her gently. 

Y/n rolled her eyes as she demanded another clue, "You misled me, give me another clue." glaring at him with great annoyance.

The man pondered on it for a while before sighing and giving a second clue. "Fine, my mortal nickname was Elijah," He informed her in a matter-of-fact tone as he watched her face twist in confusion. 

Y/n thought for a while, "Elijah, wait wasn't that the alias you used back in monstadt that one time?" She asked. The man gave a nod, watching her attempt to piece together the clues.  after a while, she complained, "That doesn't make sense!" looking back to him aggrievedly. 

Avieer chuckled slightly as he watched her face contort in confusion as she failed to get it. "You'll get it eventually, I promise." He said comfortingly. 

Y/n groaned as he wasn't budging. "fine, fuck you. I'll just start combining them!" She snapped. After many many more attempts, Y/n finally got eerily close, "Eligro" She proclaimed with full confidence.

Avieer shook his head, though he was tempted to say 'close' he was determined to make sure she would find his name on her own. Y/n sunk into the couch some. "fuck, alright then what about Eligor?" She asked a bit unsure, deciding to just start randomly moving letters around. 

Avieer finally smiled, "Correct." He said gently, finally reacting beyond more then a shake of a head or an outright 'no.'

Surprised that was it, she bolted up, "Wait, fuck, hold on what?!" She asked as her eyes widened. Looking at the man, she almost wanted him to say he was lying. That he was just getting her hopes up for fun or something.  However, his sincere eyes met hers with a gentle smile indicating it was no joke.

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