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After Avieer had helped Y/n into her bed Avieer took the chance to slip away. Once exiting the house he promptly left for Celestia, temporarily severing their mental link. I'm a bit late... He thought passively as he quickly arrived at the location high in the night sky. 

The lush gardens of Celesia surrounded him as he entered the large spire, paying little attention to the rather aged architecture. He easily navigated through the familiar building finding the room of the goddess who'd summoned him. 

Once navigated to his destination he noticed two beings who were already present, "Greetings," He said formally, entering the room. The room was of moderate size, decorated like a lavish living room. The two goddesses were already perched gracefully in a pair of armchairs.

One of the women stared at him with a haughty glare, clearly displeased with some of the things that had transpired. She had flowing white hair and piercing golden-amber eyes, inspecting everything unfortunate enough to land within her gaze.

The second woman had similarly flowing hair, however, it was instead painted with the hues of the night, speckled with stars and calm silver eyes. The second woman also possessed a pair of golden owl wings which were neatly folded so as to not take up space. She had a much more welcoming demeanor. The woman clearly had no intention of hiding her thoughts as she held a greatly amused face. Here we go... Avieer thought to himself noting the glare and the amused look. 

The winged woman gestured towards the couch on the other side of a gilded low standing coffee table. "Have a seat, Eligor...." She instructed calmly before adding on, "Or would you prefer Avieer now?" She prompted with a lightly teasing tone.

Avieer took his seat letting out a quiet sigh, unsure of which of the goddesses was about to be more troublesome. "Do whatever pleases you most," He muttered. You'll do it anyway. He added internally in mild annoyance but hid it underneath a cold exterior. 

The woman gave him a kind smile before the golden-eyed goddess interrupted. "Istaroth, is now truly the time to catch up?" The sustainer of Heavenly Principles promptly scolded the more lax goddess beside her. "Eligor, you should know why you're here." She looked back the Avieer coldly.

Avieer gave a prompt nod. "I do not believe anything substantial has changed," He stated holding eye contact with the irritable woman. 

Istaroth shook her head in disagreement, "Many things changed the moment Y/n had arrived unto the world." She said factually. "Truly, I'm not sure why you'd bring a mortal from another world into ours. But I do hope you have a plan, my dear 'Avi'." She Said with a small smile as she made it very clear she'd been observing since the beginning.

"And thus was the reason we'd summoned you in the first place." The Sustainer of Heavenly Principals picked up smoothly. "What exactly is your plan for bringing in such a reckless force?" She asked directly.

Avieer thought on it for a minute or two, "I wish to pass onto the next incarnation and live normally." He finally answered after finding the proper words to briefly describe his goal.

Istaroth seemed a bit confused by his goal, sure no one in the room knew exactly how old he was besides Avieer himself who often came up with a random number when asked, but surely the experience of true power and godhood was enough of an anchor. "I don't understand, could you not simply do that as you are now? Or simply move onto another world far different from ours just as you've done previously." She questioned.

Avieer shook his head as he spoke frankly, "I do not believe that was the reason you've called me here, thus I shall not be answering further questions." He gave her a sincere look, signaling they would not be able to get much more from him. 

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