FFFuuuuckk Broooo

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The next morning Y/n felt like death mugged her. Strangely enough, she also felt a bit cold as she pulled herself up from her strange sleeping position. "The hell does Albedo put in these potions?" Y/n grumbled. It took a moment, but she eventually realized the reason she was feeling a bit cold. Well, would you look at that... She thought a bit amused with her own nakedness as she remembered the detail that she was technically not wearing any clothing as a kitten. 

Hopping out of bed she went over to the dresser in her room to grab some undergarments and clothes. Wanting something comfier she got a soft knitted top and some simple pants that matched well enough. After getting dressed she grabbed one of the bags from the stash she had in the corner of her room for ease of access. 

Once she was done getting ready for the day she looked around her room for the slime she'd assumed to be asleep. Avieer wasn't in the pet bed she'd gotten for him, instead, she found the anemo slime in the basket they'd usually put the slime in whenever Avi wasn't residing within. Getting progressively confused she went into the main living area expecting him to be lounging about in the human form. But once again she had not found him to be loitering around. Wondering where the hell he was she quickly contacted him, 'Avi, where'd you go?'  Hoping she'd get a response soon. After around 15 minutes she'd finished cooking herself breakfast and was midway into eating, yet she had gotten no response so she once again reached out. 'Avi? Are you ignoring me?' in a more annoyed and impatient tone. 

While Y/n was entirely used to him 'going out' to do whatever it was he did. He would usually reply if she asked him something or even just told him some random thing she thought about. Once done with breakfast she quickly cleaned her dishes and went out to find Aether and Paimon in hopes they'd know where he had disappeared to. 

Leaving her home she wandered around the main areas of town before finding Aether who was accompanied by Childe and Paimon like normal. Quickly calling out to them as she approached, "Hey, where the fuck did Avi go?" unintentionally sounding more annoyed than she'd thought.

Paimon looked over a bit surprised. "Huh, Paimon thought he was with you?" She stated in a bit of confusion. Aether nodded along in agreement, he'd genuinely not seen the slime since the previous night when it suddenly escaped and left them.

Childe jokingly said, "Yeah, and I don't think there are any other slimes going about," with a teasing smile. Y/n glared up at Childe in annoyance but let it go. 

Realizing that none of them knew she was also referring to the Human Avi, she quickly looked to Aether, hoping he would remember. "Aether, I know this was literal months ago, but remember when I was drunk and you said you saw me with that one dude? Have you seen that person?" She asked, hoping her description would work well enough to jog his memory. "The hooded hot dude." She tacked on briefly, in hopes it would add to the details. 

Aether thought back for a moment before remembering, "Right, yeah I remember him. But I haven't seen him since you have." He shrugged. Y/n let out a loud groan, though she didn't want to admit it, she was a bit concerned. Not only was Avieer the singular constant in her life no matter what, but he was also the person she'd grown the most attached to overtime. Debatably even more so than her brother. 

As Y/n Briskly walked back towards the entrance Childe muttered, "Shouldn't we help her?" in an awkward tone picking up on her highly irritating behavior.

Aether looked between Y/n and the ginger before hesitantly nodding. "Yeah, you're right. I just don't wanna be on the wrong side of her anger." He admitted guiltily before quickly going to catch up with the girl who was walking over the bridge on a fucking mission. 

Y/n ignored the whining Timmy as she carelessly scared off the pigeons. 'Oi, Avieer, where in the fucking high hells are you?' She tried once more, hoping in vain that this time it'd work. Her traveling companions trailed behind her careful not to irritate her more. 

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