Just Another Day in the Training Arc.

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The next day Y/n woke up before the sun had risen as per her new schedule. Avi had agreed to slam into her if she didn't willingly wake up on time. Thankfully she woke up the first time, Xiao had knocked on her door and called her to get up. Of course, it wasn't without a few moments of contemplation on how exactly she ended up getting suckered into waking up so early. Rolling out of bed groggily she put on some comfortable clothes to complete the warm-up exercises in. 

Once ready for the morning's training session she left her room, envying the fact that Avi was allowed to just go back to sleep once she'd left. Yawning she walked down to the front lobby, meeting up with Xiao. "So what're we doing today?" She asked too tired to come up with a dumb nickname. 

Xiao glanced over to her finishing his light breakfast quickly. "Typical cardio and conditioning for an hour before we move onto more combat-focused exercises." He said, standing up to go with her to make sure she was actually running the whole way instead of just walking whenever he was out of eyesight. 

Y/n stifled a groan the best she could. "You know, sometimes I feel like you just enjoy my suffering." She complained lightly, walking by his side as they left the inn. On their way she noticed a strange uptick in Fatui agents. "By the way... is Ningguang doing anything about the Fatui or..?" She asked feeling a bit concerned. As confident as she was in her own fighting abilities, she still knew she wasn't gonna be too much help if Scaramouche somehow actually managed to summon Osial. 

Xiao shrugged slightly, "They've yet to do anything warranting direct action, but we've been keeping a close eye on their movements." He said once out of earshot of the snezhnayans. Y/n couldn't help but still feel a bit of unease. "Either way, it has nothing to do with you, now. Start running, I'll be keeping track of your time for each lap." He said, starting to get her back on track. 

After a grueling morning run, Y/n finally got to sit down for breakfast. Devouring the food as if she'd been starved for 3 days, Scaramouche walked into the dining area of the kitchen. He looked at Y/n as if she were a pig and the girl stared back, maintaining eye contact whilst she ate. Once swallowing her poorly chewed bite and chugging the water offered to her, she then confronted his staring. "It's rude to stare."

Scaramouche finally broke eye contact for a moment as he spat back, "I don't think you get to talk about manners." pointing out her poor table manners.

Y/n huffed slightly. "Tell me that when you do 20 laps around the entirety of Liyue. Honestly, it's a miracle I'm not forced to do the entire of fucking Teyvat for the morning conditioning," She complained. Though when she had first pestered Xiao in her second life, she could barely move for a few days after starting the training regiment. Thankfully, with relatively consistent exercise her muscles were now well trained for nearly anything Xiao could throw her way.

Scaramouche rolled his eyes as he suggested the obvious. "Then just stop running that much?" as if she hadn't already come to that conclusion before. 

She rolled her eyes as she replied, "Woah, what a revolutionary idea." her tone dripping in sarcasm as she spoke. "How could I have never considered such a mind-blowing thought? Truly, thank you for enlightening me."  She continued dramatically before catching the death glare the short man was shooting at her. Unable to keep herself from chuckling a bit she then said. "But no, have you ever been slammed in the lungs by a fat ass slime?" She sighed deflating a bit.

Scaramouche seemed a bit confused, "A slime? I thought you'd be able to kill one of those. Unless you've really gotten that weak in the time we've been apart." He said, wondering why she didn't just kill the annoying pest.

Y/n had begun shoveling food down her gullet again, noticing the time. Once done she chugged the rest of her water and answered. "I'd never hurt my dearest pet." She pouted slightly before adding the real reason she hadn't skewered the asshole, "Also, that little shit was expensive." 

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