Fu*ked Me Up

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Shawnie's POV

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Shawnie's POV

Chris and I were out to dinner. This is our first time being out and spending some time together outside of the house. We left our daughter with my cousin Mercedes for a couple of hours. For some reason Chris thought it would be a good idea for us to go on a date and I'm complaining about it at all because it was a great idea. I am just shocked that he would even want to do this. It's very thoughtful of him to want to do something for us.

We went to this restaurant called Providence. I've never been here before but Chris says they have really good lamb here. I just went along with whatever he wanted. I haven't really had time to think about anything that I've wanted. I've been consumed with Genesis' needs and whatever is currently going on with Ammika and Aeko. So this was super nice.

After we ordered everything we just sat there in silence. I was on my phone and he was on his. It was awkward because we've barely had any time to ourselves and the time we did have where it was just us two, we were sleeping. It's almost like we didn't have anything to talk about other than the baby. We were in a private room so it was very quiet, all you could really hear was the music playing in the background. This was a little sad.

"So..." I try breaking the silence. "Now that we have the results, are you going to take responsibility?" I ask, sitting my phone down on the table.

"So now that you had the baby, are you gonna go back to him?" Chris shoots back at me and I'm shocked. Not even looking up from his phone.

"Excuse me? Where did that come from?" I say

"You know where it came from."

"Christopher, we have been over that for months. I've been up under you for months. Between being pregnant and getting ready for our daughter's arrival, you being on tour, and you being on my ass 24/7. When have I had time to even text him? What, things have been going good between us for too long, you just think it's too good to be true or something?"

"Naw, I'm tripping. My bad."

"Yeah, I know you are." I say with an attitude.

"I do wanna see your phone though." He says emotionless.

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