Natural Disaster

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Shawnie's POV

After I walked away from Aubrey, he tried to apologize but I wasn't trying to hear it, so he left. As everyone in my life does, they leave me. He has no idea what's going on in my head. I tried, I really tried to talk to him but it was like he dismissed me, and my feelings. This is why I don't open up to anyone. They don't take me seriously. My feelings are my problem and no one else's. I can't expect anyone to take on my problems.

I know I need to be by myself but I'm literally scared to. I don't want to have flashbacks of what happened, nor don't want to think about it. I try to busy myself to distract myself from those thoughts. That's how I became so successful in Chicago, with my law firm. I know I work a lot and I also know I shouldn't but I have to. It's the anniversary of what happened and I've been trying to stay calm and keep my mind off of things. It's hard. I feel myself losing ahold of myself. 

Drake's POV

After the so-called fight I had with Shawnie, I had left. She got so angry with me for saying that she didn't need to go to therapy, but that's how I feel. I don't think she needs it. She doesn't need to talk to strangers about her issues. I think she just needs to talk out her issues with me. Clearly, I was wrong for saying and thinking that but I'm entitled to my feelings and opinion.

I called her a few times and she didn't answer. I let her cool off for a few hours, then I went back to her house. I felt bad for leaving anyway. I needed to apologize to her. If she didn't like it, I was wrong, and I need to fix it. I'm really trying to get her to see how I feel, and that I'm serious about her.

I used my key to get into her house again. This key is what started the argument. I'm just going to give her this key back to her. I thought she would be okay with it but clearly not. Something I'm wrong about again.

I walk in and I see her slumped over, on the floor, leaning against the kitchen cabinet and she was crying, but she wasn't just crying, she was crying hysterically. I run over to her, "Shawnie, what's wrong, are you okay?"

She doesn't say anything, she just keeps crying.

"Shawnie?" I put my hand on her leg, "Talk to me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She says, and clearly she's not. She's on the kitchen floor crying, like she is in pain or something.

"Don't tell me this is nothing. What's wrong?"

"I don't want to talk to you. Leave me alone." She says pushing me away and I fall over but I catch myself with my hand. I'm a little taken aback. I look at her shocked for a second but then I just brush it off.

"I want to help you but I can't if you don't tell me what the problem is. Let me help you." I say almost in a panic. "Let me help you." I don't like seeing her like this.

"I don't want your help. I keep telling you I don't want you in my business. Just leave me alone Aubrey." She pushes me away again.

"Why are you being like this? What did I do? I only want to help you."


"I'm not about to leave you here crying on the floor like this. You gotta be out of your mind if you think I'm going to do that. Just talk to me." I say calmly, trying to calm her down.

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