Seasons Change

854 35 184

Shawnie's POV

The next morning, I woke up still in Chris' arms, laying on his chest.

"Good morning." He says

"Good morning. I didn't know you were going to stay." I say

"I needed to make sure you were okay."

I sit up, "That was the best sleep I've had in months."

He rubs my back, "Other than that, are you okay?"

I sigh, "It was a good distraction, just a little. I feel a little sick to my stomach but I'm okay."

"If you want, I can stay here with you, or you can come to my house, but I'm not leaving your side. I need to get you better."

"Chris, you don't have to do this."

"But I am. You need to take your medication everyday and I won't know if you take it if I'm not around. Another option is for me to hire a nurse. Would you like that better?"

"What? No! None of it. I can do this on my own." I say

"Clearly you can't, but I respect it. I'll think about it."

"So um, what's been up?" I ask nervously

"I have to talk to you about something." He says

"What?" I instantly feel anxious. Chris has become a whole anxiety attack for me.

"I was in Chicago, and ran into your girl." He says and my heart drops.


"Yeah." He answers and I just know he fucked her.

"Really? She didn't tell me." I roll my eyes.

"Why would she? Y'all ain't friends." He says

"And? I still thought she would say something. What happened?" I ask already knowing he's about to tell me he had sex with her.

"I was out and I didn't know, but she still keeps in contact with Trey. I guess he told her we were in town and invited her out." He explains

"So you hung out with her."

"Yeah, I guess you can say that." I start to feel myself getting angry. I definitely know he fucked her.

"What are you trying to tell me, Chris?" I'm getting irritated.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds, which only confirmed what I was thinking. He's such a fucking hoe.

"She tried." Is all he says

"She tried what?"

"She tried to get with me."

I don't say anything, I just shake my head.


I cut him off, "And what did you do?"

"Honestly, I asked her if she knew how much I loved you. She said she didn't know. I told her every though we were broken up, that I loved you too much and that I would never go there with her. Then, I went on to tell her how much of a fucked up individual she was for how she treated you and I kicked her out of my vip."

"Oh." Is all I say. Thank god.

"I know I've been fucking up lately, but that's a line that I would never cross. I love you too much." He says

"Okay, Chris." Is all I say

"I know you thought otherwise but I couldn't do that to you." He says and I look into his eyes, I believe him.

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