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Champagnepapi I'm always thinking about you Mami

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Champagnepapi I'm always thinking about you Mami. ❤️


Shawnie's POV

It's been 2 weeks since all of that police bull crap happened. Believe it or not, they dropped all charges against Chris. They shouldn't have issues the warrant anyway. But anyway, the four LAPD officers were fired from their jobs, and they all have pending investigations. I'm just happy this didn't go as bad as it could've. They could've shot Chris, and then this will be a whole other issue. Chris held a press conference about the whole ordeal, with me, and his lawyer, Mark, next to him, but media is starting to die down, Chris' issues are old news now.

Chris and I haven't really been out of the house since all of that, except for when he shot two of his his videos, one in LA and the other in Paris, for "Back To Love" and "Wobble Up". He's been trying to throw himself into his work, as usual. The album is finished, and they are aiming for a June release. They want to release No Guidance as a single. Chris isn't happy about it because that means a visual, meaning he's going to have to work with Aubrey again. The clothing line is doing well also, he's been throwing himself into that as well.

They've already been in talks about the Indigo tour. Chris wants to call it the IndiGOAT Tour. It's so crazy because all of this is happened within the last two weeks, I didn't think that things moved this fast. I think they're going to have everything finalized within the next month, so it is almost concrete that Chris is going to be going on tour soon, and I don't know how this is going to go as far as his recovery goes.

I've been okay too. I had to put some of my work on hold, because we were out of town for a couple of days, along with all the police stuff. We both have been under a lot of stress. I cancelled my last therapy session. I didn't want to, but Chris needed me, and we had so much going on. She said she understood though, she knew everything that I was going through say the time.

Aubrey has been actively posting me on his IG again. I don't know what's up with him lately. We haven't spoken, but he still act like we talk, or like we're close. He likes to post a lot of subliminal messages but I think everyone knows he's talking about me. I think he's just trying to get Chris upset again, maybe even trying to get him to spaz out. Crazy enough, Chris hasn't really been reacting to the Instagram posts. It's a little scary, but he says he's all good, so I don't say anything. I think since he knows that they're probably going to do a visual, he's just trying to keep calm, so everything goes well on set.

Since Chris and I never got to go to our therapy session, with Dr. Washington, we're on our way there now. He's actually been doing very well and I hope this session doesn't freak him out in any way, or make him upset with me for even bringing him. I finally was about to talk him into it, so I pray this doesn't backfire in my face.

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